Rocky Mountain Research Station Publications

RMRS Online Publication
RMRS-RN-11WWW: Hosts and geographic distribution of Arceuthobium oxycedri

Ciesla, W. M.; Geils, B. W.; Adams, R. P. 2002. (Revised 2004). Hosts and geographic distribution of Arceuthobium oxycedri. RMRS-RN-11WWW. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. Available:

Data on hosts and geographic distribution of the juniper dwarf mistletoe, Arceuthobium oxycedri, are updated in light of changes in host nomenclature, political geography, and interpretation of reports and labels. Seventeen species of Juniperus, 3 Chamaecyparis, 5 Cupressus, and 1 Platycladus are reported as hosts. Infestations on several juniper hosts and all of its non-juniper hosts have resulted from introductions to areas within the natural range of the mistletoe. This dwarf mistletoe is reported from 31 countries across northern Africa, western Europe, the Balkans, Russia and other former Soviet Republics, the Near East, the Indian subcontinent, and western China. Previous reports from Bhutan and Hungary are corrected, and a report from Afghanistan is considered questionable. Located collection sites are shown on 13 regional and country maps. Juniper dwarf mistletoe is or is potentially an important disease agent in arid forests of numerous countries. Information on its hosts and distribution can help to make good decisions for maintaining forest health and productivity.

Keywords: juniper dwarf mistletoe, Arceuthobium oxycedri, hosts, infestations

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Title: RMRS-RN-11WWW: Hosts and geographic distribution of Arceuthobium oxycedri,
Electronic Publish Date: August 21, 2008
Last Update:
August 21, 2008

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