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INT-GTR-341: The use of fire in forest restoration

Hardy, Colin C.; Arno, Stephen F., eds. 1996. The use of fire in forest restoration. Gen. Tech. Rep. INT-GTR-341. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station. 86 p.

The 26 papers in this document address the current knowledge of fire as a disturbance agent, fire history and fire regimes, applications of prescribed fire for ecological restoration, and the effects of fire on the various forested ecosystems of the north-western United States. The main body of this document is organized in three sections: Assessing Needs for Fire in Restoration; Restoration of Fire in Inland Forests; and Restoration in Pacific Westside Forests. These papers comprise the proceedings from a general technical conference at the 1995 Annual Meeting of the Society for Ecological Restoration, held at the University of Washington, Seattle, September 14-16, 1995.

Keywords: fire ecology, fire regimes, forest restoration, disturbance, prescribed fire

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The seminal role of fire in ecosystem management-impetus for this publication
Stephen F. Arno
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Assessing Needs for Fire in Restoration

Restoring fire to ecosystems: methods vary with land management goals
Robert W. Mutch, Wayne A. Cook
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Fire regimes and approaches for determining fire history
James K. Agee
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Coarse-scale restoration planning and design in Interior Columbia River Basin ecosystems: an example for restoring declining whitebark pine forests
Robert E. Keane, James P. Menakis, Wendel J. Hann
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Dynamically incorporating late-successional forest in sustainable landscapes
Ann E. Camp, Paul F. Hessburg, Richard L. Everett
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Smoke considerations for using fire in maintaining healthy forest ecosystems
Roger D. Ottmar, Mark D. Schaaf, Ernesto Alvarado
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Restoration of fire in National Parks
David J. Parsons, Stephen J. Botti
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The role of fire in Research Natural Areas in the Northern Rockies and Pacific Northwest
Sarah E. Greene, Angela Evenden
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Restoration of Fire in Inland Forests

The concept: restoring ecological structure and process in ponderosa pine forests
Stephen F. Arno
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Silvicultural applications: restoring ecological structure and process in ponderosa pine forests
Carl E. Fiedler
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Prescribed fire applications: restoring ecological structure and process in ponderosa pine forests
Michael G. Harrington
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Reestablishing fire-adapted communities to riparian forests in the ponderosa pine zone
Matthew K. Arno
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Restoring recreational and residential forests
Joe Scott
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Determination of fire-initiated landscape patterns: restoring fire mosaics on the landscape
Michael Hartwell, Paul Alaback
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Restoring historic landscape patterns through management: restoring fire mosaics on the landscape
Cathy Stewart
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Whitebark pine ecosystem restoration in western Montana
Robert E. Keane, Stephen F. Arno
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Examples of fire restoration in Glacier National Park
Laurie Kurth
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Dealing with public concerns in restoring fire to the forest
Leslie A. C. Weldon
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Restoration in Pacific Westside Forests

Fire history and landscape restoration in Douglas-fir ecosystems of western Oregon
J. E. Means, J. H. Cissel, F. J. Swanson
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Forests of the Oregon Coast Range-considerations for ecological restoration
Joe Means, Shu-hei Chen, Jane Kertis, Pete Teensma
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Fire in restoration of Oregon white oak woodlands
James K. Agee
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Fire regimes and restoration needs in southwest Oregon
Thomas Atzet
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Restoring fire to mixed conifer forests in the Northern Cascades
T. J. Leuschen
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Applying stand replacement prescribed fires in Alaska
Larry A. Vanderlinden
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Integrating fire management into land management planning for West-Side Forests
Peter D. Teensma
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Can we restore the fire process? What awaits us if we don't?
R. Gordon Schmidt
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Title: INT-GTR-341: The use of fire in forest restoration
Electronic Publish Date: June 21, 2007
Last Update:
June 25, 2007

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