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RMRS Online Publication
INT-GTR-208: Supplement to The User's Guide for The Stand Prognosis Model-version 5.0

Wykoff, William R. Supplement to the user's guide for the Stand Prognosis Model-version 5.0. General Technical Report INT-208. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station; 1986. 36 p.

Differences between Prognosis Model versions 4.0 and 5.0 are described. Additions to version 5.0 include an event monitor that schedules activities contingent on stand characteristics, a regeneration establishment model that predicts the structure of the regeneration stand following treatment, and a COVER model that predicts shrub development and total canopy cover. Program performance has been enhanced by modifications to several of the submodels that predict tree increments.

Keywords: growth and yield, forest management, planning, growth projection, stand models, tree increments, tree mortality

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Title: INT-GTR-208: Supplement to The User's Guide for The Stand Prognosis Model-version 5.0
Publish Date: March 25, 2005
Last Update:
March 25, 2005

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