Rocky Mountain Research Station Publications

RMRS Online Publication
RMRS-RB-7: The Four Corners timber harvest and forest products industry, 2002

Morgan, Todd A.; Dillon, Thale; Keegan, Charles E.,III; Chase, Alfred L.; Thompson, Mike T. 2006. The Four Corners timber harvest and forest products industry, 2002. Resour. Bull. RMRS-RB-7. Fort Collins, CO: United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 64 p.

This report traces the flow of timber harvested in the "Four Corners" States (Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah) during calendar year 2002, describes the composition and operations of the region's primary forest products industry, and quantifies volumes and uses of wood fiber. Historical wood products industry changes are discussed, as well as trends in timber harvest, production, and sales of primary wood products.

Keywords: forest economics, lumber production, mill residue, primary forest products, timber products

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Title: RMRS-RB-7: The Four Corners timber harvest and forest products industry, 2002
Electronic Publish Date: May 16, 2006
Last Update:
May 16, 2006

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