Rocky Mountain Research Station Publications

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RMRS-GTR-23: Eighty-eight years of change in a managed ponderosa pine forest

Smith, Helen Y.; Arno, Stephen F., eds. 1999. Eighty-eight years of change in a managed ponderosa pine forest. Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-23. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 55 p.

This publication gives an overview of structural and other ecological changes associated with forest management and fire suppression since the early 1900's in a ponderosa pine forest, the most widespread forest type in the Western United States. Three sources of information are presented: (1) changes seen in a series of repeat photographs taken between 1909 and 1997 at 13 camera points; (2) knowledge from 19 authors who have investigated effects of recent ecosystem-based management treatments; integrated with (3) findings of forest changes related to earlier treatments and to succession. The contributing authors discuss effects of historical silviculture and recent ecosystem-based management treatments, including an evaluation of various burning prescriptions in terms of tree response, undergrowth, soils, wildlife habitat, and esthetics and public acceptance.

Keywords: ecosystem-based management, forest succession, prescribed fire

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Stephen F. Arno
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The Setting and Historical Background
G. E. Gruell, W. C. Schmidt, S. F.Arno, W. J. Reich
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Natural Forest Succession and Fire History
G. E. Gruell, W. C. Schmidt, S. F.Arno, W. J. Reich
PDF File Size: 320 K

Historical Silvicultural Treatments
G. E. Gruell, W. C. Schmidt, S. F.Arno, W. J. Reich, James Menakis
PDF File Size: 240 K

Natural Regeneration Response to Initial Treatments
G. E. Gruell, W. C. Schmidt, S. F.Arno, W. J. Reich, James Menakis
PDF File Size: 615 K

Interpretations of Vegetative Change Through 1989: the Photopoints
G. E. Gruell, W. C. Schmidt, S. F.Arno, W. J. Reich
PDF File Size: 105 K

Ecosystem-Based Management Treatments
Stephen F. Arno
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Effects of Ecosystem-Based Management Treatments
Michael G. Harrington, Carl E. Fiedler, Stephen F. Arno, Ward W. McCaughey, Leon J. Theroux, Clinton E. Carlson, Kristin L. Zouhar, Thomas H. DeLuca, Donald J. Bedunah, Dayna M. Ayers, Elizabeth A. Beringer, Sallie J. Hejl, Lynn Bacon, Robert E. Benson, Jane Kapler Smith and Rick Floch
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Relevance of Lick Creek Ecosystem-Based Management Treatments to National Forest Management
Cathy Stewart
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Concluding Remarks
Stephen F. Arno and Michael G. Harrington
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Appendix A: Contributing Authors and Affiliations
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Appendix B: Plant and Animal Names (Common and Scientific)
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Appendix C: Summary of vegetation Changes in Shelterwood Cutting Unit
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Photopoint Series
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Display Poster (in pouch on publication's back cover)
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Title: RMRS-GTR-23: Eighty-eight years of change in a managed ponderosa pine forest
Electronic Publish Date: August 29, 2007
Expires: Indefinite
Last Update:
August 29, 2007

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