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RMRS Online Publication
RM-RN-402: Preliminary Burning Prescriptions for Ponderosa Pine Fuel Reductions in Southeastern Arizona

Harrington, Michael G. 1981. Preliminary Burning Prescriptions for Ponderosa Pine Fuel Reductions in Southeastern Arizona. USDA Forest Service Res. Note RM-402. 7 p. Rocky Mt. For. and Range Exp. Stn., Fort ColIns, Colo. 80521.

Natural ponderosa pine fuels can be safely burned with air temperatures between 55· and 75· F, relative humidities between 25% and 50%, and windspeeds less than 10 miles per hour. The moisture content of the surface L layer needles should be between 5% and 10%. Total fuel reduction will depend on H layer moisture. Burning under these conditions will lessen the wildfire hazard by reducing fuel loadings, thinning the stand, removing ladder fuels, and raising the canopy level.

Keywords: Fuel reduction, hazard reduction, burning prescription, Pinus ponderosa var. arizonica.

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Title: RM-RN-402: Preliminary Burning Prescriptions for Ponderosa Pine Fuel Reductions in Southeastern Arizona
Electronic Publish Date: July 24, 2003
Last Update:
February 18, 2004

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