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Colorado School Districts

The purpose of this site is to provide the researcher with ready reference to the school districts within the counties and the location of school census records in Colorado. 

The Colorado State Archives maintains and services school census records for 33 of the 63 counties. These records are valuable for verifying age for Social Security purposes and for tracing genealogy. The census records are arranged alphabetically by county and there under by school district. In order to locate a record, you need to provide us with the county, school district name or number and approximate dates to search. To assist you in providing us with this information a listing of the state’s school districts is listed below. Click on the county to view a list of its school districts. We also have several counties for which we have compiled census indexes. Please see the school census page for links to these sites.

The school census may state the teachers name, pupil’s name, the name of the parents/guardian, home address, date of birth, nativity of parents and grade last attended. This information varies by county and year.

The following list, arranged by county, indicates where the school census records are stored. In instances where the Colorado State Archives has custody of the records, the date span is given. However, these dates may not be inclusive for all the districts in a given county.

For the address and telephone number of a current school district, please contact the Colorado Department of Education, 201 E. Colfax Avenue, Denver, Colorado 80203, (303) 866 – 6600, or visit their web site at

We will respond to mail and phone requests but suggest that you conduct any extensive research at our facility whenever possible. We have search, handling, and copy fees. Please contact us in order to find out the charges for your request.

Address all inquiries to the Colorado State Archives.

Click on County Name for District List

County  Location of Census Records County Location of Census Records
Adams County Clerk & Recorder Kit Carson School Dist. R-1 thru R-6
Alamosa School Dist. RE-11 Lake Archives 1880 - 1961
Arapahoe Archives 1870 – 1964 La Plata School Dist. R-9
Archuleta Archives 1889 – 1964 Larimer Archives 1879 – 1920
Baca School Dist. R-4 Las Animas Archives 1878 – 1964
Bent Archives 1903 – 1960 Lincoln Archives 1936 – 1942
Boulder Archives 1877 – 1965 Logan Archives 1911 – 1959
Chaffee Archives 1884 – 1926 Mesa Archives 1914 – 1964
Cheyenne Archives 1951 – 1959 Mineral Archives 1901 – 1964
Clear Creek Archives 1874 - Moffat School Dist. RE-1
Conejos Archives 1953 – 1967 Montezuma Archives 1926 – 1963
Costilla Archives 1920 – 1959 Montrose County Clerk & Recorder
Crowley School Dist. RE-1 Morgan Archives 1899 – 1907
Custer Archives 1891 – 1944 Otero County Clerk & Recorder
Delta Archives 1954 – 1967 Ouray County Clerk & Recorder
Denver (1 district) School Dist. 1 Park School Dist. RE-2
Dolores Archives 1918 – 1959 Phillips Archives 1905 – 1956
Douglas Archives 1886 – 1953 Pitkin Archives 1882 – 1902
Eagle School Dist. RE-50 Prowers School Dist. RE-2
Elbert Archives 1908 – 1961 Pueblo School Dist. 60 or 70
El Paso Archives 1874 – 1964 Rio Blanco County Clerk & Recorder
Fremont School Dist. RE-1 Rio Grande County Clerk & Recorder
Garfield County Clerk & Recorder Routt School Dist. RE-2
Gilpin Archives 1863 – 1959 Saguache County Clerk & Recorder
Grand School Dist. 1 or 2 San Juan School Dist. 1
Gunnison County Clerk & Recorder San Miguel Archives 1952 – 1959
Hinsdale County Clerk & Recorder Sedgwick School Dist. RE-1
Huerfano Archives 1913 – 1961 Summit Archives 1929 – 1961
Jackson School Dist. R-1 Teller Archives 1899 – 1960
Jefferson School Dist. R-1 Washington Archives 1914 – 1964
Kiowa School Dist. R-1 or RE-2 Weld Archives 1886 – 1964
Yuma School Dist. RJ-2

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Last modified April 19, 2007