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Old Age Pension Records

Lincoln County Old Age Pension Record
1933 - 1937

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By Jennifer Walters, Colorado State Archives

The following index was compiled from the official record of the Old Age Pension applications granted by the Lincoln County Commissioners during 1933 - 1937. The information contained in the record generally shows the name of the applicant, the date and amount of the pension payment and any adjustments to the pension. The record may reflect the pensioner’s age, the town nearest to where they lived and any other actions done by the county.

An earnest effort was made to transcribe each name correctly. However, some of the handwritten entries were hard to read, making it difficult to ensure that the spelling of the name is accurate. Please check similar or closely spelled names, this may help you in your search.

If you find a name on this list, and you would like a copy of that person's record, please contact us. We will respond to mail, e-mail (please include your post office address in the e-mail), and phone requests. We do have search, handling and copy fees. Please contact us in order to find out the charges for your request.

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