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Colorado Volunteers Transcript of Records Index

The Transcript of Records is a compilation of the military records for the Colorado Volunteers from 1861-1865. The information found in this source may include: name of enlistee; rank; place of birth; age; occupation; date, place and name of enlisting officer; duration of service; color of eyes, hair and complexion; height; date last paid; name of paymaster; bounty amount due (if applicable); date and place mustered in, out and by whom; and remarks. If you believe that a person was a Colorado Volunteer during the Civil War and they are not listed in the Transcript of Records then you may find them in the Index of Colorado Volunteers in the New Mexico Campaign (1862).

M.S. Elswick and Donald Carlisle (volunteers for the Colorado State Archives) are responsible for compiling the following index which extracts the name of the enlistee, his company, regiment, and rank. Also included is the page number from the Transcript of Records and a field entitled "other" which lists alternate spellings for the enlistee or other remarks of special interest found in the record.

If you are interested in receiving information from the Transcript of Records please contact the Colorado State Archives. We have search, handling, and copy fees. Please contact us in order to find out the charges for your request.

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Go to "The Colorado Volunteers During the Civil War" by M.S. Elswick

Last modified April 10, 2007