National Endowment for the Arts  

Arts Education Resources

National Partners

ArtsEdge is an online resource center funded by the National Endowment for the Arts and the United States Department of Education and administered by the Kennedy Center Education Department. Its mission is to help artists, teachers, and students gain access to and share informaiton, resources, and ideas that support the arts as a core subject in the K-12 curriculum. The ArtsEdge website includes:

  • arts education news
  • an annotated catalog of websites
  • K-12 curriculum materials, programs, and strategies
  • interactive sections for students and the online community
  • a searchable and browseable database of arts education information directories and resources.

The Arts Education Partnership is a private, nonprofit coalition of education, arts, business, philanthropic, and government organizations that demonstrates and promotes the essential role of arts education in enabling all students to succeed in life, school, and work. Formed in 1995 by a partnership between the Arts Endowment, the United States Department of Education, the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies, and the Council of Chief State School Officers, the Partnership now includes over 100 national organizations committeed to promoting arts education in elementary and secondary schools throughout the country. The Partnership's website includes:

  • a directory of participating organizations and links
  • a list of state arts education contacts
  • tips on securing Goals 2000 funds for arts education
  • project summaries of Goals 2000 subgrants awarded for arts education
  • Partnership Task Force initiatives and reports
  • an archive of quarterly Partnership meeting reports
  • arts education advocacy resources
  • instructions for subscribing to the Partnership listserv

U.S. Department of Education


Learning Through the Arts: A Guide to the National Endowment for the Arts and Arts Education
A 44-page guide to the NEA's Arts Learning initiatives includes brief descriptions of our arts learning grants, partnerships, and programs; a thumbnail history of the Endowment's involvement in arts education research; a section on successful projects and programs that the NEA has supported; and a list of arts learning partners and organizations. Free. Can be ordered through the web site. Also available as a PDF.

Gaining the Arts Advantage: Lessons from School Districts That Value Arts Education
This publication by the President's Committee on the Arts and the Humanities documents best practices in school districts across the country in promoting competence and literacy in the arts as a fundamental purpose of schooling.

Write on the Edge Handbook, a 72-page guide to teaching playwriting to high school students, especially at-risk and incarcerated populations. In addition to a detailed description of the program's philosophy and practice, the handbook includes several residency journals by teaching artists and two student scripts. To obtain a copy, simply send your check or money order for $5.00 payable to Manhattan Theatre Club. Mail it to: Education Department, Manhattan Theatre Club, 311 West 43rd Street, 8th Floor New York, New York 10036. Please write "Handbook" on the envelope and allow 6 to 8 weeks for delivery.