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Colorado State Archives
Court & Judicial Records

Image of Example of Documentation Found in a Park County Court Case
Example of Documentation Found in a Park County Court Case

The Colorado State Archives is the repository for the State Supreme Court and Court of Appeals cases from 1861 to nearly current. Most county and county district courts also house cases here. We will respond to mail and phone requests for information but suggest that you conduct any extensive research at our facility because of the voluminous nature of the material.

Address all inquiries to the Colorado State Archives. We have search, handling, and copy fees. Please contact us in order to find out the charges for your request.

Access to Court Records

Cases are organized numerically, which means that we must be provided with the case number in order to access the file. Case numbers are available through the court in which the case was filed.

Due to time and content gaps in the material it is recommended that you inquire about years and counties of particular interest so that we can provide specific information on the existence and type of record available.

Court Records On File

  • Colorado State Supreme Court Cases (1861-2000)

  • Colorado Court of Appeals (1891-2001)

  • Court Records From Most Counties Including:

    • Civil and Criminal Cases

    • Naturalization Records From Most Colorado County and County District Courts

    • Divorce Cases -- The Archives has a statewide divorce index that spans 1890-1939.

    • Divorce Cases -- The Archives is working on specific indexes for many counties.

    • Water Rights Cases

    • Probate Cases

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