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W.H. Jackson & Co. Landscape Photographers, Denver, Colorado

City Directories at the Colorado State Archives

The Colorado State Archives City Directory Collection includes material  from 1859 to 1986 for many communities, but especially the Denver Metropolitan Area.  A list of our holdings is available below.  These city directories are invaluable genealogical tools often providing the name, address, occupation, and employer of the individual listed.  Many directories have street maps, ward boundary maps, and lists of city officials and public works. Services available to residents are also noted in these resources. The materials available in one of our earliest city directories, 1866 Denver/Auraria City Directory, has been scanned and is available on-line.  For property searches a householder directory search may be more useful.  These directories list property locations and who was living there as an owner or occupant.  The use of this collection is free for visitors, but phone or mail requests and copies are subject to our fee structure. Address all inquiries to the Colorado State Archives. Please contact us in order to find out the charges for your request.

1866 Denver/Auraria City Directory


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last modified May 03, 2007