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Incorporation Records

Image of Rose Butter Brand

Trademark Filed with the Colorado Secretary of State's Office

The Colorado State Archives has many records which document the legal history of businesses, irrigation ditches, road companies, fraternal organizations, churches, and other non-profit associations.

Businesses in Colorado's earliest territorial existence filed their incorporation papers in the county (normally at the County Clerk and Recorder's office) where their principal place of business was located. In these early years a corporation could also be established by law through the Territorial Legislature. These incorporations were recorded in the "Private Acts" section of the Colorado Session Laws. From 1861, the Secretary of the Territory (after statehood, the Secretary of State) was responsible for recording incorporations and subsequent legal instruments regarding the status of corporations.

On-line Index of Territorial Incorporations

Corporation searches may be conducted personally at the Archives or you may request that a staff member do the search for a fee. Address all inquiries to the Colorado State Archives.

For records after 1975, contact the Colorado Secretary of State's Office, Commercial Recordings.

Types of Incorporation Records Found at the Archives

On-line Samples of Colorado Business Trademarks
On-line Index of Territorial Incorporations


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Last modified September 04, 2007