Delaware Aging Network

Care Management
Independent Living

Information and Referral
Public Policy
Senior Centers



Welcome to the Delaware Aging Network

We are an Aging-in-Place Initiative for older adults.

Description of Delaware Aging Network (DAN)

The Delaware Aging Network (DAN), established in 2005, is a consortium of over 35 agencies across the state of Delaware committed to improving the quality of services older adults receive in the state. Through funding from the Delaware Community Foundation, DAN is working to create coordinated services for seniors, specifically in the areas of transportation, health care, and housing. DAN also advocates for statewide policy changes that benefit the aging population.

In New Castle and Kent County, DAN works with seniors directly through case management services at local senior centers. DAN provides information about housing, health care, Medicare, Medicaid, in-home services, transportation, and other community resources. Referrals are made to services to meet the personalized needs of each individual. DAN aims to help older adults so they may continue to live in their own homes as they age and need more support.

In Sussex County, DAN is improving transportation services for older adults. By coordinating transportation providers in Sussex County, DAN organized The Sussex Mobility Consortium to research transportation systems and devise an improved, cost-effective, coordinated transportation system. This new system began operation in April 2007 in Sussex County and is meeting the transportation needs of both older and physically challenged adults.


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Funding provided by Delaware Community Foundation

 Copyright 2008 © Delaware Aging Network - All Rights Reserved