USDA Forest Service

Sierra National Forest


Sierra National Forest
1600 Tollhouse Road
Clovis, CA 93611-0532

Hearing Impaired:
TTY: (559) 322-0425
California Relay Service 711

[Logo]: U.S. Forest Service Logo

Passes & Permits - Campfire Restrictions


Fire Restriction Status: There are no campfire restrictions in effect for the Sierra National Forest. 


Annual fire restrictions for the Sierra National Forest remain in effect from May 1 and continue until the end of fire season (November)  and are as follows:

  • Campfire permits are required for fires built outside designated forest campgrounds and picnic areas. Wilderness permits issued to visitors serve as a one-time campfire permit.
  • A burning permit is required for all outside burning.
  • Smoking outside of vehicles, residences and other developed sites is permissible only while stopped in an area cleared of all flammable materials within 3 feet. Smoking while hiking, horseback riding, or while driving in an open vehicle is prohibited.
  • All motorized equipment other than automobiles must have approved spark arresters in operating condition while in use on the forest.
  • Blasting and welding on the forest requires a special permit.


The Sierra National Forest will administer the use of chainsaws (for the purposes of woodcutting) with the Fire Danger Rating System and the fuel wood permit. When the adjective rating within any fire danger rating area reaches very high or extreme, chainsaw use will be prohibited in the area. The section in the restriction order that refers to internal combustion engines would not apply to people with a valid wood permit being used during the appropriate adjective level.


a. Campfire - a fire not within any building, mobile home, or living accommodation mounted on a motor vehicle which is used for cooking, personal warmth, lighting, ceremonial or aesthetic purposes.

b. Charcoal fire - any fire in which the primary fuel is charcoal and can be contained within a barbecue, hibachi, or other container or fire pit.

c. Portable stove - any stove using gas, jellied petroleum or pressurized liquid fuel.

Designated Site
Includes developed campground, picnic area, and any location indicated by sign or marker showing approved fire use.

A road is a minimum of eight feet wide and can be traveled by a two or 4-wheel drive vehicle.

Forest Development Trail
As defined in 36 CFR 212.1 (FSM 1023.4) those trails wholly or partially within, or adjacent to and serving the National forests and other areas administered by the Forest Service. A sign or marker indicates a trail.


US Forest Service - Sierra National Forest
Last Modified: Saturday, 25 October 2008 at 13:05:36 EDT

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