USDA Forest Service

Pacific Southwest Region

1323 Club Drive, Vallejo, CA 94592

Forest Service shield, which is the agency logo that links to the Regional News site.

Contact: Public Affairs 707-562-9004

Suspect Admits to Starting Fires near Mendocino National Forest

VALLEJO, Calif., Aug. 25, 2008—In the afternoon of August 22, a fire was reported on private timber land near the Mendocino National Forest, Mendocino County, within a U.S. Forest Service protection area. During a series of water drops, a helicopter pilot observed a man dressed in camouflage, lean over and start a fire. The pilot reported this incident and firefighting was suspended until Law Enforcement could secure the area.

The Forest Service had been conducting marijuana eradication operations in the general area earlier in the week, but none on August 22 and nothing in close proximity to these fires.

A Forest Service Special Agent was just a few miles away, along with three other Law Enforcement Officers, preparing for marijuana eradication operations. These officers and two additional Mendocino County Sheriff Deputies responded to the fire area. Upon arrival, the officers located the man near the fire origin.

The suspect said he was from Mexico and admitted to starting the fires. He also indicated that there were other people with him. Evidence on the suspect indicated he was associated with marijuana cultivation.

The suspect was arrested and transported to the Mendocino County Jail. The "Island Fire," which consumed approximately 50 acres, was 100 percent contained as of 6 p.m. on August 23 and is currently undergoing mop-up control.

The Forest Service is currently in the process of conducting a thorough origin and cause investigation, as well as searching for other people associated with cultivation sites in the area.

All of the Forest Service Officers were recently hired last year due to funding provided by the Chief of the Forest Service and Congress. This funding is specifically targeted toward marijuana eradication on public lands.

This is currently a joint investigation with the U.S. Forest Service, CAL FIRE and Mendocino County Sheriff's Department.
