Region 5 Wilderness Partners Awarded National Forest Foundation (NFF) Grants

Photograph of 4 students wearing hard hats, prying a heavy boulder from a trail.

High school students from the Student Conservation Association building trails in a wilderness area

Region 5 received 4 out of 15 National Forest Foundation Stewardship Award Grants for 2008. Forests with partners in these grants include the Los Padres, Inyo, Mendocino, Sierra, Sequoia, Stanislaus, Plumas and Modoc National Forests.

  • The California Wilderness Coalition Project, Yuki Wilderness Stewardship Project will work with the Mendocino National Forest staff and other partners to improve on-the-ground management of the newly designated Yuki Wilderness.
  • Friends of the Inyo's project Sustaining Citizen Stewardship on the Inyo National Forest will build on a three-year record of successes organizing volunteer citizen stewardship projects to maintain some of the nation's most heavily visited Wilderness Areas including the John Muir, Ansel Adams, Golden Trout, Inyo Mountain, Boundary Peak Wilderness Areas.
  • The Los Angeles Conservation Corp's Sespe Wilderness Project will perform 2400 hours of trail maintenance, ecosystem restoration and natural lands stewardship in the Ojai Ranger District of the Los Padres National Forest over a six week period.
  • The Student Conservation Association's Wilderness Trails and Stewardship Initiative Project will use regionally recruited high school crews to build trails in wilderness areas on the National Forests in the Sierra Nevada.

For more information, visit the NFF website at: