List of First Ladies of the United States
Selected Images From the Collections of the Library of Congress
Each first lady is listed alphabetically. Links lead to the portion
of the illustrated list that includes one or more images of the
individual listed.
Adams, Abigail
Adams, Louisa Catherine
Arthur, Ellen Herndon
Bush, Barbara
Carter, Rosalynn
Cleveland, Frances Folsom
Clinton, Hillary Rodham
Coolidge, Grace Goodhue
Eisenhower, Mamie Doud
Fillmore, Abigail Powers
Ford, Betty
Garfield, Lucretia Rudolph
Grant, Julia Dent
Harding, Florence Kling
Harrison, Anna Tuthill Symmes
Harrison, Caroline Lavinia
Harrison, Mary Lord
Hayes, Lucy Webb
Hoover, Lou Henry
Jackson, Rachel
Johnson, Eliza McCardle
Johnson, Lady Bird
Kennedy, Jacqueline
Lincoln, Mary Todd
Madison, Dolley
McKinley, Ida Saxton
Nixon, Pat
Onassis, Jacqueline Kennedy see:Kennedy,
Pierce, Jane Means
Polk, Sarah Childress
Reagan, Nancy
Roosevelt, Edith Kermit Carow
Roosevelt, Eleanor
Taft, Helen Herron
Truman, Bess Wallace
Van Buren, Hannah Hoes
Washington, Martha
Wilson, Edith Bolling Galt
Wilson, Ellen Axson