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National Fire Plan

The "National Fire Plan" at Work
Sucess Stories

Purdy Fire before restoration southwest of Bozeman, Montana Purdy Fire after restoration southwest of Bozeman, Montana
Post-fire restoration work on the September 2001 Purdy Fire southwest of Bozeman, Montana. Gallatin National Forest watershed specialists began work the next spring to rehabilitate erosion on vulernable slopes.

The National Fire Plan - Implementing the Comprehensive Strategy Summary 2002
A summary of the FY 2002 National Fire Plan Accomplishments in State and Private Forestry in partnership with the State Foresters of Idaho, Montana, Nevada, North Dakota, and Utah. Working the in the areas of Cooperative Fire, Community Fire Assistance, Fire Protection Planning, and Hazardous Fuels Reduction.

Pisek Rural Fire District, North Dakota
"Healthy Forests" Policy and Focus
President Bush traveled to Oregon August 22, 2002, to announce his new Healthy Forests Initiative. The initiative will implement core components of the National Fire Plan's 10-Year Comprehensive Strategy and Implementation Plan.

National NFP Web Site
An encompasing list of reports that have been developed from the inception of the National Fire Plan can be found on the national web site. Included in these reports is the 10-Year Comprehensive Strategy Implementation Plan (May 2002) which lays out a strategy to reduce the risk of wildland fire to communities and the environment.

What is the National Fire Plan?

After the record-breaking wildfire season of 2000, the President requested a national strategy for preventing the loss of life, natural resources, private property, and livelihoods in the wildland/urban interface. Working with Congress, the Secretaries of Agriculture and Interior jointly developed the National Fire Plan (NFP) to respond to severe wildland fires, reduce their impacts on communities, and assure sufficient firefighting capabilities for the future.

This site provides information on the schedule and status of the NFP in the Northern Region (R1) and the Intermountain Region (R4) of the USDA Forest Service. Both regions – comprising the states of Idaho, Montana, Nevada, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, and western Wyoming – have joined forces in a co-op effort with this website to provide regionally and state-specific NFP updates and assistance and information to states and communities. We've tried to include current and relevant information on the key points, organized by state, and we welcome your feedback on the content and structure of this website.

The National Fire Plan (NFP) includes five key points:  (1) firefighting preparedness, (2) rehabilitation and restoration of burned areas, (3) reduction of hazardous fuels, (4) community assistance, and (5) accountability.

National Fire Plan key points:

Updated August 2004