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Spouse Learning Series provides Marine Corps spouses the opportunity to further their personal and professional growth through series of workshops and online courseware. Though targeting Spouses who volunteer in their local community, the program is available to all Marine Corps spouses. The combination of workshops and online educational courseware provides skills and educational development in the following areas: Relationship Building, Personal and Professional Empowerment, Goal Setting, Self-Care, Stress Reduction and Life/Work Balance.

Spouses' Learning Series Motivational Workshop

Join us to learn what research shows makes us happy in life -- and how to apply that to your life as a military spouse! One key to a happy life with the military is to have something that you do -- for yourself. In this fun workshop you'll learn practical steps you can take to identify your own interests and long-term goals, and create ways to add them in NOW...

In this fun, interactive, motivational workshop you will gain information that you can use right away to improve your life in the military community. You'll discover new ways to decrease your stress and increase your energy and acquire practical and fun tips, tools and techniques to get you -- and keep you -- moving forward towards your dreams. The workshop also has the added value of helping spouses be forces for retention rather than separation. Spouses who adopt an attitude of creative/positive/possibility thinking and who are excited about their own lives, have a positive effect on Marine and family readiness and retention. Empowerment is the key...

Spouses' Learning Series - Online Educational Skills Building

The online Business Management and Leadership Skills training is professional, self-paced and targeted to meet the needs of the Spouses' Learning Series (SLS). SLS Online Courseware is designed to provide spouses with short, effective online learning opportunities to expand their base of knowledge in their personal and professional lives. Courses are available 24/7 and are free. Each of the 80+
courses is intended to be applicable to all levels of education and volunteering regardless of whether the spouse is new or experienced, management or entry level. The various course topics are listed below. A complete catalog can be accessed here.

Personal and Professional Development Classes cover the following topic areas:

  • Communication Skill Builders
  • Leadership Development
  • Management Skill Builders
  • Personal Skills Development
  • Team Building

The online courseware is especially important to those spouses who have accompanied their Marine on Independent Duty or to a Remote location and who are not aboard a Marine Corps installation.

If you have taken these courses and enjoy them, recommend them to friends, fellow Key Voluteers, L.I.N.K.S. team members or other Marine Corps spouses. They are available to everyone and look great on a resume.

Spouses' Learning Series - Leadership Skills Workshop (LSW)

These four hour interactive, educational workshops provide participants the opportunity to improve interpersonal skills, become a more effective communicator and facilitate better team building. Participants are also able to take a self-scored personality assessment and learn how their personality type relates and can interact more effectively with others.

The skills and techniques gained through this workshop will benefit leaders of all experience levels.
LSW workshops are available throughout the year at each installation. Contact the installation MCFTB office for more details. Workshop topics include:

  • Understanding your personality type and others
  • Improving Communications
  • Dealing with difficult people
  • Improving your team building skills
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