Collage showing the new U S P T O building after construction as well as images of fiscal 2004 U S P T O activities. Image is part of the header for the U S P T O Performance and Accountability Report for Fiscal Year 2004
United States Patent and Trademark Office
Performance and Accountability Report Fiscal Year 2004
Required Supplemental Information

Table of Contents |  Management |  Financial |  Supplemental |  Auditor |  IG |  Other

U.S. Patent and Trademark Office Required Supplemental Information

As of September 30, 2004 and 2003

USPTO Intragovernmental Assets as of September 30, 2004 and 2003
(Dollars in Thousands)
Trading Partner 2004 2003
Fund Balance
with Treasury
Receivable, Net
Advances and
Total Total
04  U.S. Government Printing Office $        - $ - $2,238 $    2,238 $    3,442
13  Department of Commerce          -   -    494        494        706
20  Department of Treasury  1,135,268   -      -  1,135,268    985,586
47  General Services Administration          -   -  3,638      3,638     20,100
68  Environmental Protection Agency          -  35      -         35          -
single underline
Total $1,135,268 $35 $6,370 $1,141,673 $1,009,834
double underline


USPTO Intragovernmental Liabilities as of September 30, 2004 and 2003
(Dollars in Thousands)
Trading Partner
2004 2003
Payroll and
Accrued Post-employment
Total Total
03  Library of Congress $  205 $    - $    - $    - $   205 $   130
04  Government Printing Office    105      -      -      -     105     299
11  Executive Office of the President    220      -      -      -     220      71
12  Department of Agriculture     17      -      -    212     229     223
13  Department of Commerce    168      -      -     43     211     270
14  Department of Interior      1      -      -     30      31      43
15  Department of Justice    265      -      -      7     272      12
16  Department of Labor     52      -  1,522      -   1,574   1,621
17  Department of the Navy      -      -      -  1,536   1,536   1,162
18  United States Postal Service      -      -      -     30      30       9
19  Department of State     63      -      -      -      63       5
20  Department of Treasury      7      -      -      -       7       5
21  Department of the Army      -      -      -    543     543     322
24  Office of Personnel Management    369  2,929      -      -   3,298   2,481
29  Federal Trade Commission      -      -      -      -       -       2
36  Department of Veterans Affairs    193      -      -      -     193       -
45  U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission      2      -      -      -       2       1
47  General Services Administration    208      -      -      -     208   1,872
57  Department of the Air Force      -      -      -    199     199     131
68  Environmental Protection Agency    124      -      -     35     159     159
69  Department of Transportation      -      -      -      4       4       2
75  Health and Human Services    184      -      -     35     219     166
80  National Aeronautics and Space Administration      -      -      -    220     220     238
88  National Archives and Records Administration     21      -      -      -      21     172
89  Department of Energy      -      -      -    988     988     969
96  U.S. Army Corps of Engineers      -      -      -      4       4      21
97  Department of Defense     16      -      -     20      36      47
99  Treasury General Fund      -  1,179      -      -   1,179     808
single underline
Total $2,220 $4,108 $1,522 $3,906 $11,756 $11,241
double underline


USPTO Intragovernmental Earned Revenue as of September 30, 2004 and 2003
(Dollars in Thousands)
Trading Partner 2004 2003
12  Department of Agriculture $  285 $  326
13  Department of Commerce     54     42
14  Department of Interior     12     28
15  Department of Justice      5      8
17  Department of the Navy  1,367  1,352
18  United States Postal Service    136     44
19  Department of State    106      -
21  Department of the Army    831    791
47  General Services Administration     98      -
49  National Science Foundation     31     30
57  Department of the Air Force    275    316
68  Environmental Protection Agency    192    213
69  Department of Transportation      4      5
75  Department of Health and Human Services      2      7
80  National Aeronautics and Space Administration    587    544
89  Department of Energy  1,293  1,340
96  U.S. Army Corps of Engineers     81     47
97  Department of Defense     68     66
single underline
Total $5,427 $5,159
double underline


Gross Costs that Generated Intragovernmental Earned Revenue
as of September 30, 2004 and 2003
(Dollars in Thousands)
Budget Functional Classification 2004 2003
376  Commerce Housing Credit $5,647 $5,353
single underline
Total $5,647 $5,353
double underline

The USPTO has not deferred to a future period maintenance on the property and equipment presented on the Balance Sheet as of September 30, 2004 and 2003.

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