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Southeast Wisconsin Conferences

Great Lakes Grant #GL-97553701-0
Principal Investigator: Vicki Elkin/Peter McKeever
Date: December 11, 2002

1. Work accomplished: Two successful conferences were held June 11 and June 12, 2002. Total attendance was 55 individuals, plus staff, facilitators, and speakers.

On June 11, 31 invited individuals from the counties of Racine, Kenosha, and Walworth representing local government (including a county executive, a county board supervisor, a town board chairman, and a town board member) several nonprofit land trusts, and other open space constituents met at the Wingspread Conference Center in Racine, Wisconsin. Total attendance with speakers and facilitators was approximately 45 individuals. Break out sessions were held for each county, initial steps were taken to develop plans for the implementation of the Southeast Wisconsin Regional Plan Commission (SEWRPC) Natural Areas plan for SE Wisconsin, county “conveners” were selected to coordinate follow up activities, individual work plans were developed, and planning began for follow-up meetings.

On June 12, individuals from the counties of Waukesha, Ozaukee, Milwaukee, and Washington, representing the same interest groups, met at Cedar Valley Conference Center in Washington County. Total attendance was about 45. Break out sessions were held for each county, initial steps were taken to develop plans for the implementation of the SEWRPC Natural Areas plan for SE Wisconsin, county “conveners” were selected to coordinate follow up activities, individual work plans were developed, and planning began for follow up meetings.

Written evaluations completed by the participants and comments received by workshop planners indicated a high overall level of satisfaction with the workshops. Since the workshops, many phone calls and additional contacts have been received indicating citizens in the counties are excited about building public-private partnerships for protection of natural areas and other open spaces and are eagerly engaged in starting the process.

2. Changes in the Object Class Categories: None
3. Problems encountered: On June 11 the agenda was too full. A debriefing was held that evening with staff, presenters, and facilitators, and revisions were made that greatly improved the second day.
4. Projected work for next quarter: This project is completed. However, we have received funding from some other sources to provide technical assistance and follow-up in the six of the seven counties, and that work has begun. We are seeking funding to support follow-up in the single remaining county.
5. Is the project work on schedule: Yes, workshops were held as the amended workplan and schedule called for.
6. Does the project funding work support the work progress: Yes
7. Change in the principal investigator: None
8. Did the project take longer than the approved project period? No.

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