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Civil Rights Center

US Department of Labor

2007 Annual National Equal Opportunity Professional Development Forum

September 12-14, 2007

Conference Workshop Description



Orientation for Newly Designated State and Local Workforce Investment Act Equal Opportunity Officers

This session will acquaint newly appointed State and local level Workforce Investment Act Equal Opportunity Officers with their role and responsibilities under the nondiscrimination and equal opportunity laws and regulations applicable to USDOL financial assistance recipients. State and local EO panelists will speak to how they carry out the responsibilities of an EO Officer on behalf of their recipient. The panel will also identify the essential tools and free resources available to assist EO Officers in carrying out their responsibilities.


Denise Pilgrim, Dir., Equal Opportunity Workforce Investment Act Unit Crystal Adams Chief, Federal Operations, PA Dept of Labor and Industry Gregory T. Shaw, Consultant


Karen Ballini, Las Vegas Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation Julia Mankata-Tamakloe, Chief, Office of Compliance Assistance and Planning, Civil Rights Center, USDOL

Trends for Working Women: Current and Emerging Issues

This workshop will examine trends in women’s employment, including their labor force participation, their median weekly earnings, their educational attainment, the 20 leading occupations for working women, and nontraditional occupations for women. It will also address trends in sex discrimination charge receipts and in the enforcement of anti-discrimination laws such as Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, the Equal Pay act, Executive Order 11246, and Title IX of the Higher Education Amendments of 1972.


Roger Ocampo, Chief, Branch of Policy Development and Evaluation, OFCCP Dena Lassow, Senior Counsel, National Women’s Law Center Edana E. Lewis, Attorney-Advisor, EEOC’s Office of Legal Counsel Suzanne Burnette, Social Science Advisor, Women’s Bureau


Clarice Crutchfield, USDOL Civil Rights Center

Practical Tips for Investigating Discrimination Complains including Effective Techniques for Gathering Electronic Documents (Part I)

This workshop will focus on the legal bases for discrimination. It will take participants through the various steps in the investigative process; along with a step-by-step anaylsis of investigation of a sample claim including reviewing the complaint, interviewing witnesses, and analyzing the evidence. In addition, this workshop will discuss Electronic Documents. The Federal Regulations of Civil Procedure was amended in December 2006 to reflect the changes in technology, specifically electronically stored data. While those changes impact all civil litigation, this presentation will focus on how the rule change may impact future EEO litigation.


Laura Stomski, Technical Advisor, Office of Internal Enforcement, Civil Rights Center Susan Hutton, Staff Attorney, Civil Rights & Labor Management Division, Office of the Solicitor Peter Constantine, Deputy Assistant Solicitor, Civil Rights & Labor Management Division, Office of the Solicitor


Nayda Martin, USDOL Civil Rights Center Juanita Davis-Reynolds, Missouri Department of Economic Development

How to Draft a Meaningful and Effective Harassment Policy

In 1998, two landmark U.S. Supreme Court cases, Faragher v. City of Boca Raton, and Burlington Industries Inc. v Ellerth, changed the face of employer liability for harassment cases in the workplace. This workshop will provide an overview of harassment law, including the elements of an effective harassment policy, which can help an employer develop fair and effective procedures for addressing harassing conduct and, in so doing, limit or avoid employer liability in an harassment case. The class will address EEOC guidance as well as Federal court, and EEOC case law. It will cover a 2005 EEOC study entitled "EEOC's Model EEO Programs Must Have an Effective Anti Harassment Policy" which identifies practical ways to develop a model policy. The class will also focus on the practical impact of such a policy and its impact on EEOC complaints involving allegations of harassing conduct. Specific examples, practical ideas and best practices of harassment policies and practices to eliminate harassing conduct in the workplace will be discussed.


Mark Maxin, Special Counsel for Federal Labor Employment and Civil Rights, Nuclear Regulatory Commission


Karen Rigby, USDOL Civil Rights Center

Equal Opportunity for Transgender People

Transgender people are increasingly protected from discrimination by local, state, and federal laws. New local and state laws protecting people on the basis of “gender identity or expression” as well as “sex” and “disability” discrimination laws make these protections more explicit. This workshop will provide an essential overview of non-discriminatory workplace policies, and will offer insight into ensuring that workplaces and job programs (including Job Corps) provide equal opportunity for transgender people.


Lisa Mottet, Transgender Civil Rights Project Director, National Gay and Lesbian Task Force


Katrina Creek, USDOL Civil Rights Center



3:15pm - 5:00pm

Ignorance of the Disability is No Excuse:  Screening TANF Customers for Hidden Disabilities to Ensure Equal Opportunity

  Are people with hidden disabilities, such as learning disabilities, given equal opportunity in your State's or LWIA's programs and activities?  In a recently-resolved case, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office for Civil Rights (OCR) found that the Massachusetts Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA), which operates Massachusetts's Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program, violated Federal disability nondiscrimination laws by not providing equal opportunity for persons with disabilities to participate in and benefit from DTA’s Employment Services Program.  HHS-OCR and DTA resolved this case by executing an agreement ensuring that DTA customers will be effectively screened and assessed for learning disabilities, and that screening and assessment results will guide DTA’s provision of services to TANF customers.  Presenters will discuss why HHS-OCR determined that disability nondiscrimination laws were violated, what terms are in the resolution agreement entered into last December, and how the actions required -- including screening and assessment requirements, and other actions that can be adopted by your State's or LWIA's One-Stop system -- are expected to help level the playing field for participants with learning disabilities.


Kenneth Carroll, Civil Rights Analyst, Dept of Health and Human Services Vicky Kaufman, EO Specialist


Elba Colon, USDOL Civil Rights Center

In this Together: A Look at Preventing Sexual Harassment, Bullying and Teasing in Job Corps

This workshop will explore the consequences of sexual harassment, bullying and teasing at the individual, group, and organizational levels. Participants will: learn the definitions of sexual harassment, bullying and teasing; assess their knowledge of the statistics regarding these concepts; learn about solutions in dealing with these issues on a Job Corps Center; and discuss the Career Success Standards as an initiative to help prevent sexual harassment, bullying, and teasing behaviors on center. Session will be highly interactive and will take participants through a process to better identify and deal with fears and biases.


Jenny Wild, Ph. D., President API Valarie Cherry, Ph. D., Senior Mental Health Consultant, Humanitas, Inc. Carol Abnathy, MSW, MPH, LICSW, Office of Job Corps


Julia Mankata-Tamakloe, USDOL Civil Rights Center

Practical Tips for Investigating Discrimination Complains including Effective Techniques for Gathering Electronic Documents (Part II)

This workshop will focus on the legal bases for discrimination. It will take participants through the various steps in the investigative process; along with a step-by-step analysis of investigation of a sample claim including reviewing the complaint, interviewing witnesses, and analyzing the evidence. In addition, this workshop will discuss Electronic Documents. The Federal Regulations of Civil Procedure was amended in December 2006 to reflect the changes in technology, specifically electronically stored data. While those changes impact all civil litigation, this presentation will focus on how the rule change may impact future EEO litigation.


Laura Stomski, Technical Advisor, Office of Internal Enforcement, Civil Rights Center Susan Hutton, Staff Attorney, Civil Rights & Labor Management Division, Office of the Solicitor Peter Constantine, Deputy Assistant Solicitor, Civil Rights & Labor Management Division, Office of the Solicitor

How to Handle Psychiatric Disabilities: Balancing Issues of Behavior, Direct Threat, and Reasonable Accommodation

This session will focus on enforcing standards of behavior and conduct and accommodating employees with psychiatric disabilities in the workplace. Attendees will learn about common psychiatric disabilities and how to accommodate an employee who has performance and behavior problems including issues of direct threat. Active participation and discussion will be encouraged.


Chris Kuczynski, Assistant Legal Counsel, ADA Policy Division, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission


Shirley Bray-Sledge, Virginia Employment Commission

Exploring Talent Development: the World of Registered Apprenticeship

Join us in an exciting discussion of registered apprenticeship -- Where is it going and where has it been.  Join in meaningful discussions on the role of minorities and women in the apprenticeship system.  Examine the role of EEO in the recruitment and selection process.  See how the impact of this unique training in various industries is changing the face of America.  Case studies:  UPS and Seafarers


Joseph Jenkins, Team Leader, Marketing & Promotions, Office of Apprenticeship, Employment and Training Administration


Jim Nelson, Mississippi Department of Employment Security

One-on-One MOA Compliance Assistance Consultations

This workshop provides one-on-one consultations for State Equal Opportunity Officers and policy professionals who are responsible for preparing and administering the State Methods of Administration (MOA) Recertification process. The CRC staff MOA Reviewer, is available to provide technical assistance tailored specifically for each State on an individual basis. Participants will have the opportunity to ask specific questions about their State MOA. Technical assistance will be provided on an appointment basis and sign-up information will be provided at conference registration.

The goal of this workshop is to enable the participants to gain an understanding of ways to revise their MOA in compliance with Section 188 by incorporating changes to improve the quality of their MOA submission. This approach increases the possibility of developing an approvable MOA recertification submission


Kevin Malone, Special Assistant to the Chief of Compliance Assistance and Planning, Civil Rights Center




Religious Discrimination, Reasonable Accommodations for Religious Beliefs and Religious Practices in the Workplace

This workshop will explore legal issues surrounding selective hiring or retention of employees of certain religions, as well as a range of challenging issues that are unique to this area of practice. It will also identify strategies for handling complaints and discuss the legal requirements to accommodate the religious beliefs and practices of employees and applicants.


Awo Sarpong Ansu, Attorney Advisor, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission


Julia Mankata-Tamakloe, USDOL Civil Rights Center

Identifying Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) Discrimination

This workshop provides employers, managers and HR specialists with an understanding of the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994 (USERRA).  Participants will learn of their organizational responsibilities vis-à-vis service members employment and reemployment rights.  In the course, participants will learn how to recognize acts of discrimination against current and former members of the armed forces, as well acts of discrimination against individuals seeking to join the military.  The anti-discrimination prohibition, codified at 38 U.S.C. § 4311, applies to both employers and potential employers.


Stanley Williams, DVET, Washington, DC


James Hobgood, USDOL Civil Rights Center William Adams, USDOL Civil Rights Center

DOL’s New Web-based Training on Complying with DOL’s Equal Treatment Regulations and Other Religion-Related Regulations

This workshop will introduce DOL’s new Web-based training course for increasing the workforce systems’ understanding of and compliance with DOL’s Equal Treatment Regulations, as well as other religion-related regulations that are applicable to the One-Stop Career Center system. For the first time, training on compliance with these regulations will be available around the clock to workforce system officials and staff. In the workshop, DOL officials will lead attendees through the new training course and answer questions.


Rhett Butler, Director, Center for Faith Based and Community Initiatives Denise Sudell, Senior Policy Advisor, Office of Compliance Assistance, Civil Rights Center


Victoria Lodge, Louisiana Department of Labor

How to Conduct a Sexual Harassment Investigation

This workshop will illustrate a comprehensive and practical guide to investigating a sexual harassment incident. During this interactive workshop, participants will gain skills in interviewing all concerned parties, documentation, confidentiality issues and how to protect principal parties.


Cornell Dillard, Chief Human Relations Officer, Missouri Dept of Labor & Industrial Relations Daniel Turbitt, Administrative Judge, Merit Systems Protection Board


Roderick Faulkner, USDOL Civil Rights Center

Avoid the Pitfalls in Obtaining Your Methods of Administration Two-Year Recertification

Every two the Governor must review the Methods of Administration and the manner in which it has been implemented, and determine whether any changes are necessary in order for the State to comply fully and effectively with the nondiscrimination and equal opportunity provisions of WIA and its nondiscrimination regulations. This workshop, designed for State workforce agency EO staff, will review the regulatory recertification requirement, discuss common problems and omissions with recertification submissions, and offer technical advice to make certain recertification submissions are procedurally adequate.


Gregory T. Shaw, Consultant Julia Mankata-Tamakloe, Chief, Office of Compliance Assistance and Planning, Civil Rights Center, USDOL


Katrina Creek, USDOL Civil Rights Center Kai Tucker, US DOL Civil Rights Center



10:30AM-12 NOON

Drafting Discrimination Complaint Determinations

This workshop is designed to enhance your skills and ability in drafting a determination. It is essential that written decisions issued on discrimination complaints filed fully address a complainant's discrimination claim. The workshop presenter will provide techniques that will enable the writer of a discrimination complaint decision to accurately present and analyze relevant facts against the legal standard for proving a claim in a comprehensive manner that supports the determined conclusion.


Seena Foster, Senior Attorney, Department of Labor


Emory Adams, USDOL Civil Rights Center

Job Corps Admissions Process:  Essential Eligibility Requirements and Direct Threat Issues

  In partnership with CRC, Job Corps is revising its admissions process to ensure that admissions criteria are as objective as possible, and that the process complies with disability nondiscrimination law.  At this workshop, we will use case studies to understand how two specific parts of the revised process are designed to work in real life:  the revised list of essential eligibility requirements for admission to Job Corps, and the revised process (including new forms and guidance documents) for determining whether an applicant may pose a direct threat to self or others.  The presenters are experts who are part of the team working to revise these parts of the admissions process.


Debbie Jones, Disabilities Specialist, Humanitas, Inc Valerie Cherry, Ph D., Job Corps National Mental Health Consultant Denise Sudell, Senior Policy Advisor, Civil Rights Center


Karen Rigby, USDOL Civil Rights Center

Mediation Matters: Basic Mediation as a Method of Alternative Dispute Resolution

Do you often deal with conflict? Are you looking for new and more effective ways to address conflict? Well, this workshop is for you!

When program or work environment experience conflicts, there may be high costs to the organization. These costs include: decreased morale; absenteeism; reorganization; loss of customers (job seekers and employers) and employees; and errors in decision-making. This workshop will introduce the mediation process, the mediator's role, and the understanding and application of mediation theory and practice. The participants will learn how to use mediation to resolve disputes within their fields of expertise through lecture, group discussion and role play.


Vern Best, Appellate Attorney, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Veta Hurst, Appellate Attorney, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission


Adoria Johnson, USDOL Civil Rights Center

The General Dynamics of Age Discrimination

This workshop will discuss the definition of age discrimination in light of recent Supreme Court decisions in General Dynamics Land Systems c. Cline (2204) and Smith v. City of Jackson, Mississippi (2005), provide a general overview of the protections provided by the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, and examine other recent developments in age discrimination law.


Raymond Peeler, Senior Attorney-Advisor, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission


Kintu Nnambi, Washington Employment Security Department

OFCCP Compliance Evaluation 101

Congratulations, you have just been selected for an OFCCP compliance audit.  In this workshop, you will be provided with a sample AAP and an overview of what to expect during an evaluation, including an onsite.  This workshop will also provide information on the responsibilities of federal contractors and tools and techniques that you can use to conduct your own self-audit.


Sandra Dillon, Chief, Branch of Quality Assurance, OFCCP


Denise Delhotal, USDOL Civil Rights Center

One-on-One MOA Compliance Assistance Consultations

This workshop provides one-on-one consultations for State Equal Opportunity Officers and policy professionals who are responsible for preparing and administering the State Methods of Administration (MOA) Recertification process. The CRC staff MOA Reviewer, is available to provide technical assistance tailored specifically for each State on an individual basis. Participants will have the opportunity to ask specific questions about their State MOA. Technical assistance will be provided on an appointment basis and sign-up information will be provided at conference registration.

The goal of this workshop is to enable the participants to gain an understanding of ways to revise their MOA in compliance with Section 188 by incorporating changes to improve the quality of their MOA submission. This approach increases the possibility of developing an approvable MOA recertification submission


Kevin Malone, Special Assistant to the Chief of Compliance Assistance and Planning, Civil Rights Center


THURSDAY, SEPT. 13, 2007


Discrimination Complaint Processing Procedures and Analysis

This workshop will discuss the required elements for processing complaints alleging discrimination; along with a brief discussion of the Final Phase of CRC’s Discrimination Complaint Log Study.  The Discrimination Complaint Log Study provides insight into the number and types of discrimination complaints filed nationwide and their outcomes within the One-Stop Delivery System and against USDOL-funded Job Corps Centers.


Pir Ahmad, Equal Opportunity Specialist, Civil Rights Center


Judy Ragland, USDOL Civil Rights Center

Tips for Analyzing Employment Service Data

This workshop will include discussion about what data to analyze and what measurements to use. Different examples of reports will be presented. Employment Service data such as referrals, wages, entered employment, as well as unemployment data on claimant determinations, will be reviewed. How much data is needed to determine an accurate analysis will also be discussed. Also discussed will be the writing of a monitoring report.


Carlos Charneco, Illinois Dept of Employment Security Autro Heath, Dir., Office of Equal Opportunity, PA Dept of Labor & Industry Peter de Haan, Equal Opportunity Officer, Agency for Workforce Innovation, Office of Civil Rights


Camille Vollaro, Rhode Island Department of Labor and Training

An Introduction to LEP and the Language Assistance Self Assessment and Planning Tool (Part I)

An essential, complete workshop for those new to equal opportunity and nondiscrimination compliance activities!  An excellent, updated presentation for those more familiar with the requirement to provide meaningful access to persons with limited English proficiency (LEP)!  In addition to thoroughly reviewing the LEP guidance and related materials, we will discuss compliance and enforcement within the employment-related training/service context specifically.  We will also discuss the review of the analysis and findings of the language assistance self assessment and planning tool that all states were required to submit.  Active questions/answers are anticipated!


Naomi Barry-Perez, Chief, Office of Internal Enforcement, Civil Rights Center Thomas Loy, MBA Fellow


Denise Delhotal, USDOL Civil Rights Center Mildred Williams, Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Growth

The Disability Program Navigator (DPN) Initiative's New Vision

The DPN Initiative is now in 45 states, D.C. and Puerto Rico. In its sixth year of operation, the DPN Initiative has evolved. The original focus of the Initiative has been on developing new and ongoing partnerships to achieve seamless, comprehensive, and integrated access to services, creating systemic change, and expanding the workforce development system's capacity to serve customers with disabilities and employers. Now, in addition to systems change, Navigators will be focusing their change activities on the delivery of integrated services for customers with disabilities through state and local team approaches. Navigators will be resource coordinators, facilitating team meetings to develop individual employment plans for job seekers with disabilities; these teams will be called "Integrated Resource Teams" (IRTs). Learn more about the IRTs and the role that Equal Opportunity Officers (EO Officers) can play on these teams.


Randee Chafkin, Manpower Development Specialist Vicki M. Tanner, State Lead Disability Program Navigator, Virginia Sinclair Hubard, Senior Disability Program Navigator, Western Virginia Barclay Shepard, Senior Disbailtiy Program Navigator, Eastern Virginia


Joanna Miller, Colorado Department of Labor and Employment

The Misconnection Between Youth and Adults (Part I)

This interactive workshop will address the barriers that we see and opportunities that we miss in making a positive and lasting connection with our youth.  Successful youth leaders and an experienced mediator will lead experiential activities and share their perspectives in round table discussions.


Marvin Johnson, Executive Director, Center of Alternative Dispute Resolution Tajae Gaynor, School Mediation Supervisor, Westchester Mediation Center of Cluster Community Services Shawnta Washington, Project Director, Effective Alternative in Reconciliation Services Antonio Sanford, Training Coordinator, WAVE Center for Conflict Resolution


Danielle White-Alston, USDOL Civil Rights Center Elizabeth Warner, Georgia Department of Labor

One-on-One MOA Compliance Assistance Consultations

This workshop provides one-on-one consultations for State Equal Opportunity Officers and policy professionals who are responsible for preparing and administering the State Methods of Administration (MOA) Recertification process. The CRC staff MOA Reviewer, is available to provide technical assistance tailored specifically for each State on an individual basis. Participants will have the opportunity to ask specific questions about their State MOA. Technical assistance will be provided on an appointment basis and sign-up information will be provided at conference registration.

The goal of this workshop is to enable the participants to gain an understanding of ways to revise their MOA in compliance with Section 188 by incorporating changes to improve the quality of their MOA submission. This approach increases the possibility of developing an approvable MOA recertification submission


Kevin Malone, Special Assistant to the Chief of Compliance Assistance and Planning, Civil Rights Center


THURSDAY, SEPT. 13, 2007


Complaint Processing: Start to Finish-A State’s Prospective

State level EO Officers will discuss how to conduct investigations of discrimination complaints and discuss procedures and practical processes that have proved successful for state level EO Officers when conducting discrimination complaint investigations. The session will include sample letters for mediation option, notice of receipt and acceptance, final action, etc.


Carolyn Parsons, Equal Opportunity Officer, Utah Department of Workforce Services Peter de Haan, Equal Opportunity Officer, Agency for Workforce Innovation, Office of Civil Rights


Margaret Montoya, USDOL Civil Rights Center

Diversity in the Workplace: Disability Awareness & Etiquette

At times individuals are concerned that they will say or do the wrong thing when interacting with a person with a disability. They say or do nothing at all thus avoiding interaction with people with disabilities which isolates or excludes people with disabilities from general office communication or activities.

The Diversity in the Workplace: Disability Awareness and Etiquette presentation will aid in the elimination of the underlined fears that individuals have when interacting with people with disabilities. The presentation focuses on the appropriate way of interacting and communicating with people with all types of disabilities including: deaf/hard of hearing, blind/low vision, mobility, speech and cognitive disabilities in the workplace. There will be a brief discussion about the Rehabilitation Act, Americans with Disabilities Act as well as Section 508 as it relates to employment of people with disabilities within the workplace. In addition, this workshop will focus on innovative solutions for accessible communication, identifying the main challenges faced by people with disabilities through assistive technologies and software. Basic etiquette exercises will be conducted to help identify the importance of interacting with people with disabilities primarily with respect and courtesy.


Derek Shields, Consultant, Disability Management, Accessibility Services and Quality of Worklife Solutions Service Darlene Avery, Disability Accommodation Manager, Office of Diversity Management


Dawn Johnson, USDOL Civil Rights Center

An Introduction to LEP and the Language Assistance Self Assessment and Planning Tool (Part II)

An essential workshop for those new to equal opportunity and nondiscrimination compliance activities! An excellent, updated presentation for those more familiar with the requirement to provide meaningful access to persons with limited English proficiency (LEP)! In this workshop, we will discuss compliance and enforcement within the employment-related training/service context will follow.


Naomi Barry-Perez, Chief, Office of Internal Enforcement, Civil Rights Center Thomas Loy, MBA Fellow

Using Data Sources to Identify Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Populations and Developing the Best Strategic Plan to Serve your LEP Population

  Do you know the make-up of your service area? Federal financial assistance recipients must ensure that persons with LEP have meaningful access to employment training, services and benefits.  Therefore, LEP population identification is critical. This informative and interactive workshop, conducted by representatives from the Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration, will provide instruction on how to use various data sources to identify LEP populations within a service area. Presenters will also discuss current Department guidelines that can assist a state in developing a strategic plan to better serve their LEP population.


Gloribel Nieves-Cartagena, Manpower Analyst, Employment and Training Administration Greg Wilson, Manpower Analyst, Employment and Training Administration


Margo McDaniel, USDOL Civil Rights Center

The Misconnection Between Youth and Adults (Part II)

This interactive workshop will address the barriers that we see and opportunities that we miss in making a positive and lasting connection with our youth.  Successful youth leaders and an experienced mediator will lead experiential activities and share their perspectives in round table discussions.


Marvin Johnson, Executive Director, Center of Alternative Dispute Resolution Tajae Gaynor, School Mediation Supervisor, Westchester Mediation Center of Cluster Community Services Shawnta Washington, Project Director, Effective Alternative in Reconciliation Services Antonio Sanford, Training Coordinator, WAVE Center for Conflict Resolution

Phone Numbers