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Great Lakes Biological Diversity

Contributing Factors in Habitat Selection by Lake Sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens)

This final grant report was written by The Research Foundation of State University of New York in conjunction with State University of New York, College of Environmental Science and Forestry. The study examined the diet of different size classes of lake sturgeon to investigate shifts in prey preference related to body size and to determine if exotic Dreissenid mussels comprised a significant component of the sturgeon diet. This study also examined the apparent differences in juvenile and adult habitat relative to preferred prey items. /report/

Activity Patterns and Spatial Resource Selection of the Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake, Sistrurus c. catenatus, in Northeastern Indiana

This report by the Center for Reptile and Amphibian Conservation and Management, Indiana-Purdue University, details findings from a four-year study of the Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake in northeastern Indiana. Patterns of movement and habitat use were examined using radio telemetry. Understanding the habitat requirements of the Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake, which is being considered for federal listing as Threatened under the Endangered Species Act of 1973, will guide proper fen habitat management efforts to protect this species.  /report/

Conservation of Biological Diversity in the Great Lakes Basin Ecosystem: Issues and Opportunities

Biological diversity underpins the functional integrity of the Great Lakes basin ecosystem. This document prepared by The Nature Conservancy’s Great Lakes Program Office provides a "first look" at the special biological diversity of the Great Lakes basin ecosystem and the human activities that place it at risk. The information and methods of the Natural Heritage programs are used to identify key biodiversity resources of the Great Lakes basin ecosystem. The Heritage methodology provides a means of focusing action on those elements most critical to the maintenance of biological diversity. /report/

The Effect of Forest Structure on Amphibian Abundance and Diversity in the Chicago Region

Amphibian populations are under increasing threat in the Chicago region due to habitat degradation and loss. This report by the Citizens for Conservation investigates the link between amphibian abundance and diversity and condition of upland forest adjacent to breeding ponds. Results indicate that hydrology is the dominant force driving amphibian populations in upland forests in the Chicago region, and forest structure is important only when hydrology is suitable. Specific site management suggestions to enhance amphibian populations are provided. /report/ (PDF size: 83 KB, 28 pages)


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