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Preproposal Submission System

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  • GLNPO Preproposal Submission System (PSS2) instructions


Preproposal Submission System (PSS) Technical support:
by Email at:
or call Tony Kizlauskas (312) 353-8773

Request download of PSS as email attachment (727Kb windows):

GLNPO Preproposal Submission System (PSS2)

This is PSS2 Version A 11/17/1998.




Instructions for Submitting GLNPO Preproposals using Preproposal Submission System (PSS2)

NOTE: These instructions supplement those found on the GLNPO Web Site at: <>. Please refer to those instructions for additional information on the overall preproposal process, funding categories, etc.

Software for submittals: is available on the GLNPO Web site at:
or by calling Tony Kizlauskas (312) 353-8773; or Pranas Pranckevicius (312) 353-3437.

Technical Support by Email at: or call Tony Kizlauskas (312) 353-8773.

Address/Deadline. Preproposals must be received by January 15, 1999.

Submit a copy of the data file, "APPLY2.TPS," from the electronic version to the following Email address:

See instructions below on how to E-mail or mail the electronic data file, APPLY2.TPS. If sending the data file, APPLY2.TPS, on a disk, send it to:

77 West Jackson Boulevard
Chicago, Illinois 60604-3590

Preproposal Format. Preproposals submitted using PSS2 automatically comply with the application format.

Installing PSS2

This disk contains the Preproposal Submission System (PSS2) for paperless submission of GLNPO Preproposals. PSS2 can also be downloaded from <>. PSS2 is intended to be used with the criteria and other information contained in this Great Lakes Funding Guidance.

PSS2 requires Windows 3.x or better and a screen display of at least 800x600x16 colors (256 colors or better is preferred). Windows 3.x supplies a display driver called SuperVGA which is 800x600x16 and can be installed using the Windows "SETUP.EXE" program. Windows 95/98/NT supply a number of different display driver options that are accessed from the Start->Settings->Control Panel->Display->Settings panel. See your Windows manual or call Tony Kizlauskas (312) 353-8773 or Pranas Pranckevicius (312) 353-3437 if you need help with the display settings or any other technical question about the PSS2 software.

After downloading the self-extracting archive file "SETUP.EXE" or receiving it on disk, to install PSS2, you can do either of the following:

  1. Run the program SETUP.EXE (a self-extracting archive file) by double-clicking on it in File Manager (Windows 3.x) or Windows Explorer (Windows 95/98) or
  2. 2. Run the program SETUP.EXE from the "Run" command from Program Manager (Windows 3.x) or the "Run" command from the "Start" Button (Windows 95/98).

Either way, next Click "OK," then wait. The program will create a new subdirectory (C:\PSS2) and install itself there.

When the self-extraction is done, the program takes you directly to the README.WRI file (the file you are now reading). You can print out this file to have on hand as you use PSS2.

Using PSS2

To run PSS2, use a file manager to go to "C:\PSS2" and double-click on "PSS2.EXE". You can create a shortcut icon to PSS2.EXE using standard Windows techniques.

After the program starts (there may be a short delay), click on the menu item "Edit->Preproposals." This will allow you to enter preproposals and to view preproposals already entered. The table lists basic information about any preproposals you have entered. To enter a new preproposal, click on the "Insert" button. To Change or Delete ones you have already entered, select (highlight) the appropriate line in the table by clicking on it and then press the "Change" or "Delete" keys, respectively.

Once in the data entry window, called either "Entering a Preproposal" or "Changing a Preproposal" depending upon whether you are entering a new preproposal or editing one that you had worked on previously, you move to the appropriate data fields by clicking on the numbered tabs at the top of the data entry form. Where and what data are to be entered is fairly straightforward and "hint balloons" give further hints if you hover your Windows cursor over a particular data field.

Entering Data

Most data are entered by simply clicking your Windows cursor in the appropriate field and typing in the information.

Data for some fields, such as "Title" or "Type of Organization," are entered by selecting the appropriate value from the drop-down list which one accesses by clicking on the down arrow to the right of these fields.

Some fields, such as "Abstract," will contain more lines of text than will initially be displayed on the data entry screen. Use the vertical scroll controls on the right side of these data fields to view the other lines or use the usual Windows navigation controls (arrows, PageUp, PageDown, etc.) once you have clicked within the field to place your cursor within the field.

NOTE: In order to limit the preproposals to a reasonable size, there are size limits on the narrative fields, like Abstract, Problem Statement, Proposed Work/Outcome, etc. If you find that you cannot add any more text to one of these fields it is because are attempting to exceeded those limits.

You can use the Windows clipboard to cut, copy and paste information between a Windows text document you have already created and PSS2, or within PSS2 itself. To copy from your document, select the text you wish to copy and choose "Edit->Copy" from the main window menu of your program. Now switch to PSS2, place your cursor (click) in the field you wish to paste the information, and choose "Edit->Paste" from the main PSS2 window menu. Caution: Some Windows software embeds non-printing formatting codes that you can't see on the screen, but which might get included in the text you are trying to copy to PSS2. This may cause PSS2 to crash. To be safe, copy and paste information only from a simple ASCII text editor such as Notepad (which comes with Windows). If you already have the information in another program, such as a word-processor, you can save the text as an ASCII text file, then open it in Notepad and copy it from there into the appropriate fields in PSS2.

Data for some fields, such as the Lakes, States, and Geographic Initiatives on TAB3 Geographic Applicability, are selected by clicking on the appropriate selection box to toggle the selection on or off.

Moving Between Fields/Panels

To move between the fields within a particular data entry panel, use the Tab key or move the cursor to the field and click on or in it. Do not use the Enter key to move between fields, use it only at the end when done entering or changing information.

To move between the different data entry panels click on the tabs at the top of the data entry form.

Saving Information

When you are done entering or editing information for a preproposal, either use the Enter Key, or click on the "Done" button at the bottom of the data entry form to save your work.

If you wish to stop entering information and not save the information or changes you have been working on, click on the "Cancel" button at the bottom of the data entry form. If you have made any changes or entered any information, you will be given a warning allowing you to either save your work before leaving the data entry screens (the "Yes" button), not save the changes (the "No" button), or resume working on the form without saving (the "Cancel" button).

PSS2 will not let you save the information you entered unless you have completed the following: Name of Organization, Contact First and Last Names, Phone Number, and Project Title. If you wish to perform the data entry over several sessions, you must at least enter this information the first time you begin entering information for a particular project. If you try to exit without saving the required information, your cursor will be automatically placed in the missing field, allowing you to enter the required information. You may, of course, go back and edit the saved session by highlighting the appropriate line in the "Browse Preproposals" window and clicking on the "Change" button.

If you submit multiple preproposals, see the note, entitled "Multiple Preproposals" later in this document.

The tabs are organized to follow the basic application instructions. Additional details are provided below:


Applicant. Enter Applicant (Organization) Name, Contact Person's Title (choose one from the drop-down list), Contact Person's Name, Address, City, State (choose one from the drop-down list), Phone, Fax, and E-mail. For Phone and Fax numbers, enter the 10-digit number without any punctuation, spaces, etc.

Type of Organization. Choose one from a drop-down list including: State; Interstate Agency or Commission; Sub-state or special purpose district; County; Municipality; Federal Agency; College or University; Tribal Organization; Individual; Federally funded research and development center; or Other.


Project Title. No more than 60 characters.

Abstract. One paragraph synopsis.

Duration. Specify project duration from 0.5 years up to 2 years (select from the spin-box list).

Category. Choose only 1 from a drop-down list including: (i) Contaminated Sediments; (ii) Pollution Prevention and Reduction - BNS; (iii) Habitat (Ecological) Protection and Restoration; (iv) Exotic Species; or (vi) Emerging Issues. Submission of a single project to multiple categories may adversely affect your chance of success.

Rank Within Category. Only for multiple preproposals being submitted within the same project category from the same organization. To only be filled in after rank is assigned by the organization's coordinator.


Applicable State. Select Great Lakes State(s) which would be most impacted by this project. (Click on appropriate selection boxes).

Applicable Basin. Identify Lake Basin(s) which would be most impacted by this project. (Click on appropriate selection boxes.)

Applicable Areas of Concern. Identify the Areas of Concern affected by the Project: Choose the primary affected Area of Concern from the drop-down list. List any others in the field entitled "Other Affected AOCs".

Biodiversity Investment Areas (For Habitat/Ecological Protection and Restoration Projects Only): Choose the primary affected Biodiversity Investment Area from the drop-down list. List any others in the field entitled "Other Affected BIAs". Nearshore terrestrial Biodiversity Investment Areas were identified in the Land by the Lakes paper for SOLEC 1996 (<>). (BIAs for nearshore aquatic and coastal wetlands are being developed through SOLEC, but are not available at this time.)


Problem Statement. Describe the issue that will be addressed and its relevance to the Great Lakes, particularly to needs and priorities (especially in LaMPs and RAPs) for Lakes, AOCs, and other geographic initiatives.

Proposed Work/Outcome. Outline what will be done and how. Describe anticipated environmental results, referencing affected pollutants, industry sectors, economic impacts, habitats, and/or species.


Milestones. Specify milestones and/or final products and projected due dates (Month/Year, in MM/YYYY format). You may describe up to 8 milestones/final products, including Project Start and End. If you would submit a full proposal in April, your project could begin in May or June; however, most usually begin in September or October.


Environmental Justice. Check box and include a narrative description if some part of the project addresses "Environmental Justice." Environmental justice is the fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people regardless of race, color, national origin, or income with respect to the development, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and policies. Fair treatment means that no group of people, including racial, ethnic, or socioeconomic groups, should bear a disproportionate share of the negative environmental consequences resulting from industrial, municipal, and commercial operations or the execution of federal, state, local, and tribal programs and policies.

Education/Outreach Component. Check box, if the project includes an education/outreach component. If applicable, describe the target audience and how that group would be impacted by the project in the field entitled "Education/Outreach Description".


Budget. Fill in the applicable budget items in the table to show how GLNPO (Federal) funds and non-Federal matching funds will be used for personnel/salaries, fringe benefits, travel, equipment, supplies, contract costs, construction, and other costs. You may include a separate line for indirect costs if your organization has in place (or will negotiate) an "indirect cost rate" from a cognizant Federal agency. Budget should represent the total which would be requested from GLNPO for the project's duration (up to two years). Funding will be awarded as a "lump sum" and is not assured for subsequent years. Do not include commas when entering the budget amounts. Totals will be calculated automatically or you can press the "Calculate Totals" button to see intermediate results.


Other Funding. If funds are being pursued or have been committed to your Project by other providers, list the Name of the Providers, Amounts Provided, and Commitments made by each.


Collaboration/Community Based Support. Describe plans and status of collaboration amongst the public, private, and independent sectors. Evidence of support will be required for full proposals.

When you are done entering or editing information for a preproposal, SAVE the information by either using the Enter Key, or clicking on the "Done" button at the bottom of the data entry form. (See the "Saving Information" section above.)

Printing Preproposals

CAUTION: Always finish entering information and save your work before printing, otherwise PSS2 may crash, and you may lose your work!

To print out the preproposal information that you have entered, close any open preproposal editing windows ("Changing a Preproposal" or "Entering a Preproposal") and select "File->Print Preproposals" from the main menu of PSS2. After the records are processed, you will be taken to a print preview window to allow you to preview your printout and to select which pages to print before you actually print them. The functions of the various icons on the print preview toolbar are explained below. (Here, as elsewhere in PSS2, "hint balloons" give further hints if you hover your Windows cursor over a particular toolbar icon.)

Print Preview Toolbar

Explanation of print preview toolbar icon functions (numbers below refer to the above diagram):

  1. Print the report (followed by additional print options, such as all pages, range of pages, all marked pages, all unmarked pages, and printer selection and setup options)
  2. Exit print preview without printing anything.
  3. Print only the current page (stays in print preview mode to allow you to select other actions).
  4. Move back to first page.
  5. Move back to previous page.
  6. Move forward to next page.
  7. Move forward to last page.
  8. Move to a specific page (followed by option to select which page).
  9. Mark/unmark the current page (used to select pages to print or save later).
  10. Delete current page.
  11. Display thumbnails of pages, i.e., tile pages in preview (followed by options for numbers of rows and columns).
  12. Save current page to a file (followed by options to name file and whether to save as text or picture, a WMF format file). Note that special symbols, such as the check boxes, will not appear in the text file.
  13. Save all pages to a file (followed by options to name file and which pages to save as text). Note that special symbols, such as the check boxes, will not appear in the text file.
  14. Zoom view in or out. Also see below for a shortcut to zoom the view setting.

You can select your printer and its options using the standard Windows dialogs by selecting "File->Print Setup" from the main menu of PSS2. You can also select a printer and its options by clicking on the printer icon on the right side of the "Print Options" window that appears after you select icons 1 or 3 on the print preview toolbar (see above).

When you move your cursor over the previewed page, it changes to a magnifying glass shape to signify that it can be used to rapidly zoom the preview in or out. By clicking the mouse when the cursor is the magnifying glass shape, the zoom will toggle between the "No Zoom" and "Page Width" view settings.

Submitting Completed Preproposals

Address/Deadline. Preproposals must be received by January 15, 1999.

Use one of the following 2 methods to submit the completed preproposals.

  1. Submitting Preproposals by E-Mail
    Attach a copy of the data file, "APPLY2.TPS," from the subdirectory where PSS2 is installed (C:\PSS2) to your E-Mail message and E-Mail it to:

  2. Submitting Preproposals by Regular Mail
    In case your E-Mail system does not allow you to send attachments, you can submit your Preproposals by regular mail as follows:

    Copy the data file, "APPLY2.TPS," from the subdirectory where PSS2 is installed (C:\PSS2) onto a floppy disk and mail it to:

    USEPA - GLNPO (G-17J)
    77 West Jackson Boulevard
    Chicago, Illinois 60604-3590

Multiple Preproposals

Please also use the Preproposal Submission System to submit multiple preproposals. If your organization submits more than one Preproposal, please identify an overall Contact Person (including phone, e-mail, and address) and send a single, coordinated submittal, prioritizing the preproposals. PSS2 provides this capability -- see the section "Merging Multiple Preproposals into a Single Data File" below for how to do this.

Also, please be sure to merge all of the preproposals your organization is submitting into a single data file, then please fill in the assigned "Rank Within Category" for each preproposal on "PSS2 TAB (2) Project Summary Information." See instructions below for how to merge preproposals.

Individuals from the following organizations have offered to serve as coordinators for preproposals from their organizations. Please contact your coordinator first if you plan on submitting a preproposal on behalf of one of the following organizations:

  • Illinois EPA: Robert Schacht (708-338-7900)
  • Indiana DEM: Kathy Baird (219-881-6730)
  • Indiana DNR: Laurie Rounds (317-570-1554)
  • Michigan DEQ: Rick Hobrla (517-335-4173)
  • Minnesota PCA: Pat Carey (218-723-4744)
  • Minnesota DNR: Pat Collins (218-834-6612)
  • New York DEC: Gerry Mikol (716-851-7000)
  • Ohio EPA: Julie Letterhos (614-644-2871)
  • Pennsylvania DEP: Kelly Burch (814-332-6816)
  • Wisconsin DNR: Greg Hill (608-267-9352)
  • Great Lakes Commission: Michael Donahue (734-665-9135)
  • Argonne National Laboratory: Roger Anderson (630-252-6406)
  • The Nature Conservancy: Heather Potter (312-759-8017)

Merging Multiple Preproposals into a Single Data File

PSS2 allows you to merge preproposals from different APPLY2.TPS data files into a single data file. This means that the preproposals can be prepared by different people at different locations (home, office, laptop, etc.) and they can later be combined into a single data file for submission. This is especially relevant when multiple preproposals are being prepared by different individuals but being submitted by a single organization overall contact who also assigns the organization's rankings to the various projects (see above).

To merge preproposals prepared using PSS2:

  1. Obtain the APPLY2.TPS files that are to be added to the main file and have them on hand for the next steps, e.g., on different floppy diskettes.
  2. Start PSS2 on the PC that will hold the main file.
  3. Select "Add->Preproposals to Database" from the main PSS2 window. This brings up the "Add Preproposals to Database" window.
  4. In that window click on the button "1. Select File Location" and use standard Windows file navigation techniques to select the location and name of the PSS2 data file that you are going to add to the main database.
  5. If you change your mind at this point and wish to exit without adding the preproposals to the database, you can press the button "Cancel" to exit without adding the preproposals from the selected file.
  6. After making your selection, press the button "2. Add Preproposals" to actually add the preproposals to the main database.
  7. Press the button "3. Done" if you are finished adding preproposals, or repeat steps 4 through 6 to add additional preproposals from other data files.
  8. Once the preproposals are merged into the main database, you can use PSS2 to edit them further (e.g., delete duplicates, correct information, etc.).

Importing Preproposals from PSS1 Data Files

If you wish to use a preproposal that you prepared in PSS1 last year as a starting point for this year's submittal, PSS2 allows you to import preproposals from the old format (APPLY.TPS) into PSS2.

To import preproposals prepared using PSS1:

  1. Obtain the APPLY.TPS files that are to be imported and have them on hand for the next steps, e.g., on a floppy diskette.
  2. Start PSS2 on your PC.
  3. Select "Import->PSS1 Format File" from the main PSS2 window. This brings up the "Import Preproposals from PSS1 File Format" window.
  4. In that window click on the button "1. Select File Location" and use standard Windows file navigation techniques to select the location and name of the PSS1 data file that you are going to import.
  5. If you change your mind at this point and wish to exit without importing the preproposals to the database, you can press the button "Cancel" to exit without importing them.
  6. After making your selection, press the button "2. Import Preproposals" to actually import the preproposals.
  7. Press the button "3. Done" if you are finished importing preproposals, or repeat steps 4 through 6 to import additional preproposals from other PSS1 data files.
  8. Once the preproposals are imported, you can use PSS2 to edit them further (e.g., delete duplicates, correct information, etc.).

Uninstalling PSS2

CAUTION: Be sure you have backed up the data file "APPLY2.TPS" to a floppy disk or to a subdirectory other than C:\PSS2 before you uninstall PSS2, otherwise all of your work will be lost!

When you no longer need PSS2, you can uninstall it using the following steps:

  1. Exit PSS2.
  2. Make a backup copy of your data file, APPLY2.TPS, in another directory (NOT C:\PSS2)and/or on a floppy disk.
  3. Delete the C:\PSS2 subdirectory. PSS2 does not alter any other files on your computer -- everything is contained in the one subdirectory.

Troubleshooting and Technical Support

Support on the Web

If you have your computer setup with standard Windows Internet and Email access shortcuts, you can access some helpful Internet sites and/or send Email to Technical Support with your questions, directly from PSS2. To do so:

  1. Select "Help->About PSS" from the main PSS2 window.
  2. From the next window, click on any of the "Internet Links" to go straight to those Internet addresses, or click on the "Contact PSS Tech Support" text to send an Email to PSS Technical Support.

In case your PC isn't set up for direct access to the Internet or Email, the relevant Web addresses for information and support are as follows:

Some Common Problems and Solutions:

Here are some common problems you may run into and suggested solutions. If you run into problems, please inform us of them so that we can pass on the solutions to others and/or update PSS2 to correct the problem.

  1. Problem: "I can't see the whole data entry form."
    Solution: You may not be using the minimum display resolution of 800x600. See your Windows documentation on how to determine your current settings or how to change them.

  2. Problem: "I can't exit the data entry form I tried pressing "Enter" and the "Done" button, but it doesn't do anything. The only way I can exit is to press "Cancel, " but then I lose all the information I've entered."
    Solution: You have not yet entered some of the "required" information for the preproposal. Each time that you try to exit the form, the cursor automatically lands in the first missing required field, allowing you to make an entry. When you have entered information into all the required fields, you will be able to exit and save the record.

  3. Problem: "I can't enter information such as the funding amount -- instead, I bounce back to the first data entry tab."
    Solution: You may be hitting the Enter key instead of the Tab key to move between fields. You bounce back to one of the data entry tabs because a required field has not been completed.

  4. Problem: "Before I finish entering all the information for a preproposal, I suddenly exit the data entry window and find myself back at the "Browse Preproposals" window."
    Solution: You may be hitting the "Enter" key instead of the "Tab" key to move between fields or you may be hitting the "Enter" key to move to the next data entry form panel. If you have already entered data in the required fields, pressing the "Enter" key is the same as pressing the "Done" button.

  5. Problem: "I can't enter all of the information I need to in a field."
    Solution: There are limits on the amount and type of information that can be entered for some fields. If you are exceeding the limit, try to shorten or abbreviate the information so that it fits within the available limits. For data fields with vertical scroll bars on the right side, the fields will hold more information than is displayed on the screen at one time -- the window will scroll as you enter information. However, these fields have limits, too.

  6. Problem: "I have much of my preproposal information already in another document. Is there a way that I can save re-typing it?"
    Solution: You can use the Windows clipboard to cut, copy and paste information between a Windows text document and PSS2 or within PSS2 itself. To do this, select the text you wish to copy and choose "Edit->Copy" from the main window menu of your program. Now switch to PSS2, place your cursor (click) in the field you wish to paste the information, and choose "Edit->Paste" from the main PSS2 window menu.

    Caution: Some Windows software embeds non-printing formatting codes that you can't see on the screen, but which might get included in the text you are trying to copy to PSS2. This may cause PSS2 to crash. To be safe, copy and paste information only from a simple ASCII text editor such as Notepad (which comes with Windows). If you already have the information in another program, such as a word-processor, you can save the text as an ASCII text file, then open it in Notepad and copy it from there into the appropriate fields in PSS2.

  7. Problem: "I enter the required information, but when I leave the field to go to another, the field reverts to what it was before I entered the information."
    Solution: This sometimes happens if you are entering the data in the wrong format, e.g., if you enter 11 digits for the phone number, or you try to enter a 9-digit ZIP Code. Try again, making sure to follow the format of the required data.

  8. Problem: "PSS2 crashes when I try to print out my preproposals."
    Solution: Some Windows software embeds non-printing formatting codes that you can't see on the screen, but which might get included in the text you are trying to copy to PSS2. This may cause PSS2 to crash. To be safe, copy and paste information only from a simple ASCII text editor such as Notepad (which comes with Windows). If you already have the information in another program, such as a word-processor, you can save the text as an ASCII text file, then open it in Notepad and copy it from there into the appropriate fields in PSS2.

    Another cause may be that your data file, APPLY2.TPS does not yet contain any preproposals yet because you have not yet entered, imported, or added any preproposals.

  9. Problem: "I prepared preproposals on my office computer and my home computer and have two different APPLY2.TPS data files. Is there a way to combine these into one file, or do I have to retype the information?"
    Solution: You do not have to retype the information, see the section above entitled "Merging Multiple Preproposals into a Single Data File" for information on how to combine data files created using PSS2.

  10. Problem: "I prepared preproposals last year using PSS1 software. Since much of the information for this year's preproposal is similar to last year's, is there a way for me to use last year's information as a starting point for this year's, or do I have to retype the information?"
    Solution: You do not have to retype the information, see the section above entitled "Importing Preproposals from PSS1 Data Files" for information on how to combine data files created using PSS2.

When All Else Fails

If you've tried everything you can think of and are still having trouble using PSS2, please contact Tony Kizlauskas by phone at (312) 353-8773, or by E-mail at


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