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About Us
Our Mission Statement
To promote public safety by providing inmates with meaningful work experience in a self-sustaining organization.

Our Core Values

We hold ourselves personally accountable to be honest, fair, and ethical in our business dealings with each other, our business partners and our customers.

Respect for the Individual
We value human dignity, recognize individual contributions, and encourage career and personal growth.

Commitment to Excellence
We strive to offer quality products and services that exceed our customers’ expectations.

We hold ourselves and each other responsible for our actions and for producing on-time, quality products and services.

We endeavor to find creative and efficient ways to advance our products and services while reducing costs to government and providing profit-making opportunities for our private sector partners.

Our Programs
Teaching Inmates
Many inmates come to prison having never held a real job or learned the value of work. Oregon Corrections Enterprises (OCE) was designed to serve Oregon citizens by providing inmates hands-on vocational training and teaching pro-social values including work ethics, responsibility, and a sense of self-worth they lost or never before experienced. Through work experience, OCE facilitates inmates’ adjustment and reintegration into Oregon communities upon their release. With this in mind, inmate work assignments emulate real-life to the greatest extent possible.

Specialized Training
OCE is committed to providing inmates with the vocational training and work experience needed to help ease their transition to life outside prison walls. Their adjustment and reintegration into society upon release may be the program’s greatest value of all. These are the people you will someday drive next to in rush hour traffic, the people you stand behind in the line at the grocery store, the people who may someday live their perfectly normal lives in perfectly ordinary neighborhoods like yours. OCE thanks each of its customers for their support of Oregon’s inmate work program through their purchase of goods and services.

Page updated: September 12, 2007

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