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Mining Ideas

APPENDIX B: Ecological Protection and Restoration Program Partners

Total # of Partners: 243

International (3)
Environment Canada
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
International Joint Commission

Federal Agencies (15)
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Bureau of Land Management
Cuyahoga Valley National Recreation Area
Farmers Home Administration
Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore
Lakeshore National Park
Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge
Shiawassee National Wildlife Refuge
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
U.S.D.A.- Agriculture Research Service
U.S.D.A. - Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service
U.S.D.I. - Fish and Wildlife Service
U.S.D.I. - Forest Service
U.S.D.I. - National Park Service
U.S. Geological Service

State Agencies (25)
Illinois Department of Natural Resources
Illinois Natural History Survey
Illinois Nature Preserves Commission
Indiana Department of Environmental Management
Indiana Dunes State Park
Indiana Geological Survey
Iowa Department of Natural Resources
Maumee State Forest
Michigan Department of Environmental Quality
Missouri Department of Conservation
Missouri Department of Natural Resources
Natural Heritage Programs in all Great Lakes states
New York Department of Natural Resources
New York State Department of State
New York State Department of Transportation
New York State Parks and Recreation
New York State Power Authority
Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency
Ohio Environmental Protection Agency
Pennsylvania Department of Natural Resources
Pennsylvania Fish Commission
Wisconsin Coastal Management Program
Wisconsin Conservation Corps
Wisconsin Department of Transportation
Wisconsin Education Board

Tribal Organizations (3)
Fond du Lac Resources Program
Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission
Minnesota Chippewa Laboratory

Non-Governmental Organizations and Volunteers (71)
Altgeld Gardens Volunteers
Black River RAP Coordinating Committee
Blackstone Bicycle Co-op
Buffalo River Remedial Advisory Committee
Indian Great Lakes Cleanup Fund
Cedar Creek Watershed Alliance
City Year
Door County Land Trustees
Door County Property Owners Association
Ducks Unlimited
Elliott Donnelley Youth Center
Friends of the Buffalo River
Friends of the Chicago River
Friends of Gibson Woods
Friends of Sandy Pond
Glidden Drive Property Owners Association
Grand Calumet Task Force
Grand River Environmental Action Task Force
Grand River Partners, Inc.
Great Lakes Protection Fund
Hamlin Street Block Association
Hammond Parks and Recreation Board
Hammond Volunteer Group
Headwaters Land Trust
International Alvar Working Group
Joyce Foundation
Irondequoit Watershed Collaborative
Kangaroo Lake Association
Lake Erie Wildfowlers
Lake Michigan Federation
Leech Lake Natural Resources Program, Cass Lake, Minnesota
Lorain County Chapter of Pheasants Forever
Massena Rod & Gun Club
Maumee Valley Audubon Club
Minnesota Sea Grant
National Audubon Society
National Wildlife Federation
Natural Areas Stewardship Inc.
Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin
Nature Conservancy of Canada
Nettle Lake Steering Committee
New York Sea Grant Extension
North Branch Prairie Project
Oak Openings Working Group
Ohio Decoy Carvers
Ohio Fish and Wildlife Management Association
Ontario Dunes Coalition
Openlands Project
Park Point Community Club
Public Allies
Ridges Sanctuary
River Watch
Saginaw Bay Watershed Council
Save the Dunes Council, Inc.
Shelby Conservation League
Shirley Heinz Environmental Fund
Sierra Club
Stateway Gardens Junior Police
St. Louis River RAP Citizens Advisory Committee
The Nature Conservancy
The Ontario Dune Coalition
Trout Unlimited
Tug Hill Tomorrow Land Trust
Western Pennsylvania Conservancy
Whitefish Bay Properties Owners Association
White Lake Area Sportfishing Association
White Lake Public Advisory Council
Wildlife Forever
Windway Capital Foundation
Wolf Creek Sportsmen’s Club
World Wildlife Fund

Municipalities (28)
Bay Lake Regional Planning Commission
Chicago Housing Authority
City of Buffalo, New York
City of Chicago, Department of the Environment
City of Chicago Park District
City of Duluth, Minnesota
City of Rochester, New York
City of Rogers City, Michigan
City of Sheboygan, Wisconsin
City of Superior, Wisconsin
City of Toledo, Ohio
Cleveland Metroparks
Lake County Metro Parks
Lorain County Metropolitan Park District
Metropolitan Park District of the Toledo Area
Mid-South Planning and Development Commission
Northeastern Illinois Planning Commission
The Cleveland Museum of Natural History
Thousand Islands Park Commission
Toledo Metroparks
Town governments of Clayton, Lyme, Brownville, Cape Vincent, Ellisburg, Sandy Creek,
     and Richland, NY
Town of Pensaudee, Ohio

Counties (26)
Ashland, Bayfield and Iron Counties, WI
Ashtabula County Park District
Bayfield County, Wisconsin
Brown County, Wisconsin
Erie County Water Quality Strategy Committee
Forest Preserve Districts of Cook, Kane, DuPage, McHenry, Lake, and Will Counties, Illinois
Geauga County Park District
Lake County Extension Service
Lorain County Commissioners
Lucas County Engineers
McHenry County Conservation District
Monroe County Sheriff’s Department
Monroe County Water Coordinating Committee
Northeast Ohio Four County Organization
Oconto County, Wisconsin
Oswego County Environmental Management Council
Oswego County Youth Conservation Corps
Saginaw County Cooperative Extension
Saginaw County Drain Commission

Soil & Water Conservation Districts (15)
Allegany County Conservation District
Ashtabula County Soil & Water Conservation District
Chicago Water Reclamation District
Crawford Conservation District
Cuyahoga County Soil & Water Conservation District
DeKalb County Soil & Water Conservation District
Door County Soil & Water Conservation District
Erie County Soil & Water Conservation District
Lake County Soil & Water Conservation District
Lucas Soil & Water Conservation District
Oswego County Soil & Water Conservation District
Potter County Conservation District
Stuben County Soil & Water Conservation District
Summit County Soil & Water Conservation District
Williams County Soil & Water Conservation District

Resource Conservation & Development Councils (2)
Headwaters Resource Conservation & Development Trust
Seneca Trail Resource Conservation & Development Council

Educational and Cultural Institutions (42)
Ashland School District
Bowling Green State University
Case Western Reserve University
Cedar Grove High School
Chicago Academy of Sciences
Chicago Field Museum
Chicago Horticultural Society
Chicago Zoological Society
College of the Menominee Nation
Cornell University
Crispus Attucks Elementary School
Defiance College
Finger Lakes Community College
Holden Arboretum
Hyde Park Art Center
Illinois Institute of Technology
Illinois State University
Lincoln Park Zoo
Michigan State University
Morton Arboretum
Natural Resources Research Institute, Minnesota
Northeastern Illinois University
Northland College/Sigurd Olson Environmental Institute
Oberlin College Biology Department
Ohio State University
Pennsylvania State University
Purdue University
Raymond Elementary School
Shedd Aquarium
State University College at Buffalo, Great Lakes Center
State University of New York at Buffalo, Great Lakes Program
SUNY Colleges at Oswego and Genesco
University of Georgia
University of Michigan
University of Minnesota, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife
University of Toledo
University of Wisconsin-Madison
University of Wisconsin-Madison Arboretum
University of Wisconsin-Sea Grant
University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Wendell Phillips High School
Zoological Society of Milwaukee

Private Organizations (13)
Amoco Corporation
Champion Forests
Consultative Group on Biological Diversity
Cutter and Associates
Dow Chemical
DuPont Corporation
General Motors
Indianapolis Power and Light Company
Land Improvement Contractors
Mead Paper
TV Ontario
Wetlands Nursery


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