Chugach National Forest

Special Use Authorizations

USDA Forest Service, Chugach National Forest

3301 C Street, Suite 300, Anchorage, Alaska 99503
Tel: (907)743-9568; Fax: (907)743-9476

What Are Special Use Authorizations?

Special use authorizations provide use of National Forest System lands for a wide variety of activities. Authorizations are issued to commercial and noncommmercial operations which provide use of and access to these lands.

Permits are also issued for private, non-exclusive use. Depending on the complexity of the proposal, obtaining a special use authorization can sometimes be a lengthy process. In order to facilitate this process, coordinate early with the District where you would like to operate.

White water raftingRunners in Crow Pass raceCommercial filming

Not all proponents receive a permit, therefore any action taken before receiving a special use authorization, such as advertising or expending funds, is premature and at the proponent's risk.

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Date modified: 4/22/08
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