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2004 Diesel Retrofit Program Demonstration Grants

On February 23, 2005, EPA announced the award of $1.6 million to 18 grantees for projects designed to demonstrate effective emissions reduction strategies for diesel fleets. The grantees are State and local governmental organizations, including air agencies and port authorities, and non-governmental organizations. Each demonstration project reduces the impacts of pollution on a population that is especially susceptible to the effects of diesel exhaust, including children, the elderly and the chronically ill.

The 18 recipients will utilize funding to retrofit a variety of diesel vehicles, including construction, agricultural and port equipment, refuse haulers, fire trucks, ambulances and locomotives. Criteria for selection included evaluation of each proposal's implementation plan, air quality benefits, diversity of technology application, vehicle type and geographic location, originality, and the likelihood of success of the project.

List of Funded Projects

(In alphabetical order by state)

California  (EPA Region 9)

Colorado  (EPA Region 8)

Connecticut  (EPA Region 1)

Florida  (EPA Region 4)

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Idaho  (EPA Region 10)

Illinois  (EPA Region 5)

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Maryland  (EPA Region 3)

Massachusetts  (EPA Region 1)

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Missouri  (EPA Region 7)

New York  (EPA Region 2)

Ohio  (EPA Region 5)

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Texas  (EPA Region 6)

Virginia  (EPA Region 3)

Washington  (EPA Region 10)

Wisconsin  (EPA Region 5)

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