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North Texas System

A substantial portion of natural gas on our North Texas System is produced from the Barnett Shale formation, one of the most active natural gas regions in North America. While abundant natural gas reserves were known to exist in this area since the early 1980s, recent technological developments in fracturing the shale formation now allow commercial production of these natural gas reserves. Barnett Shale production has risen from approximately 110 MMcf/d to more than 1,800 MMcf/d since 1999.

To accommodate this growth, in 2007 we completed construction of two new natural gas processing facilities---and related upstream facilities---with a total of approximately 75 MMcf/d of capacity.

The North Texas System comprises about 4,500 miles of pipe and 10 processing plants. Average volumes in 2007 were 348,000 MMBtu/d.

The North Texas System is owned by Enbridge Energy Partners, L.P. Click on "Ownership Map" to the left for detailed pipeline ownership information.

NTX map