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The Enbridge Offshore Pipelines—which include the UTOSStingrayGarden Banks, Nautilus, Manta RayMississippi Canyon and Destin systems—provide joint venture interests in 12 transmission and gathering pipelines in six major pipeline corridors in Louisiana and Mississippi offshore waters of the Gulf of Mexico. The system moves on average 3 billion cubic feet per day of natural gas—about 40 percent of all deepwater Gulf of Mexico natural gas production. EOP map.gif

The Enbridge Offshore Pipelines include the following:

System Length
Ownership Commercial
Manager and
Field Operator
Stingray Corridor
Stingray Pipeline 325 650 FERC

Enbridge 50%
MarkWest 50%

Triton (Gunnison
Gathering Lateral)
55 275 MMS

Enbridge 50%
MarkWest 50%

Garden Banks Corridor
Garden Banks
50 1000 FERC Enbridge 100% Enbridge

Magnolia Gathering Lateral

50 250 MMS Enbridge 100% Enbridge
Green Canyon Corridor
Nautilus Pipeline 103 600 FERC Enbridge 74.33%
Enterprise 25.67%
Manta Ray Pipeline 250 800 MMS Enbridge 74.33%
Enterprise 25.67%
Cleopatra Pipeline 111 500 MMS

Enbridge 22%
BP 54%
BHP 22%
Unocal 2%

Mississippi Canyon Corridor
Mississippi Canyon Pipeline 45 800 FERC Enbridge 100% Enbridge
Destin Corridor
Destin Pipeline 385 1200 FERC Enbridge 33%
BP 67%
Okeanos Pipeline 100 1000 MMS Enbridge 33%
BP 67%
Spirit Pipeline 8 50 MMS Enbridge 100% Enbridge
UTOS Corridor
UTOS Pipeline 30 1200 FERC Enbridge Energy
Partners 100%
*The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) or Mineral Management Service (MMS) regulates the commercial aspects of these systems as noted. Other federal agencies oversee certain siting, safety and environmental aspects of Gulf pipelines.