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Kinder Morgan Border Pipeline LLC ("KM Border") owns and operates approximately 97 miles of 24 inch pipe that extends from the International Border between the United States and Mexico to a point of interconnection with Kinder Morgan Tejas Pipeline LLC located at the King Ranch, in Kleburg County, Texas. This pipeline is capable of importing Mexican gas into the United States, and exporting domestic gas to Mexico. The capacity of the pipeline is approximately 300,000 MMBtu per day. KM Border does not own or operate any storage facilities.

Firm Sales Service

Interruptible Sales Service

Firm Purchase Service

Interruptible Purchase Service

Firm Transportation Service

Interruptible Transportation Service

Virtual Storage Service

Firm Storage Service

Park and Lend Service

Balancing Service

Treating and Processing Service

Risk Management Service

Storage and Trading: Gary Lamphier, (713) 369-8730
Sales and Transportation: Rene Jagot, (713) 369-9242
Supply, Processing, and Treating: Bruce Boyd, (713) 369-8860
Pipeline Scheduling: Holly Breaux, (713) 369-9271
Contract Administration: Rick Dietz, (713) 369-9419
Invoices/Gas Accounting: Lynn Kimball, (713) 369-8831
Credit Worthiness: Bob Bowers, (303) 914-4774

Firm Sales Service
Traditional merchant function.
Interruptible Sales Service
Short term trading.
Firm Purchase Service
Long term supply.
Interruptible Purchase Service
Short term supply.
Firm Transportation Service
Traditional pipeline service.
Interruptible Transportation Service
Short term service.
Virtual Storage Service
Seamless storage and transportation service.
Firm Storage Service
Traditional storage service.
Park and Lend Service
Storage service for month-to-month and/or season-to-season.
Balancing Service
Eliminate imbalances.
Treating and Processing Service
CO2 treating and blending, competitive processing arrangements.
Risk Management Service
NYMEX hedging services, such as triggers, swaps, collars, etc.
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