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The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) National Weather Service (NWS) is committed to serving the needs of all of its customers.  The NWS is undertaking research on how satisfied users are and would appreciate your feedback.  The purpose of this research, conducted in partnership with the federal government as part of the American Customer Satisfaction Index, is to help the NWS improve its flood and water forecast information services for you and others like you.  NWS flood and water forecast information services encompasses flash flood and river flood warnings, watches and statements; recreational and water supply forecasts; precipitation analysis information as well as general river level information including historical records of high flows and impacts of these water levels.

Your answers are voluntary, but your opinions are very important for this research.  Your responses will be held completely confidential, and you will never be identified by name.  CFI Group, a third party research and consulting firm, is administering this survey via a secure server.  The time required to complete this survey will be dependent on how certain questions are answered, but it will likely take approximately 20 minutes, and is authorized by Office of Management and Budget Control No. 1505-0191.

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