National Institute of
Environmental Health Sciences
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS)
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Guidelines for Reproducing or Using Material from the NIEHS Web Site

NIEHS's policy is to use externally produced material (graphics, text, etc.) on our web site only with permission of the copyright holder. If you believe material to which you have rights has been improperly included, please provide the URL to the webmaster identified as contact for the page on which the material appears or to the NIEHS Kids Web (


Text (excluding lyrics, riddles, brainteasers, and jokes) appearing on NIEHS web pages was either prepared by employees of the United States Government as part of their official duties and therefore not subject to copyright or prepared under contracts that gave the NIEHS the right to place the text into the public domain. The same is true of most publications available for downloading from this web site. You may freely copy that material and, at your discretion, credit NIEHS with a "Courtesy: National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences" notation. If copyrighted text is included on an NIEHS web page or in an NIEHS publication, it will be specifically identified. For information about copyright holders, how they can be contacted, and what, if any, use those owners allow of their material, please provide the URL to the webmaster identified as contact for the page on which the text or download link appears. If no contact is given, contact the NIEHS Kids Web (

If you would like to make NIEHS information available from your site, please provide a link to the page or document rather than copying the information to your site. This will assure that your users have the latest information from NIEHS.


With the exception of NIEHS logos, permission to use NIEHS graphics is granted on a case by case basis. Some are public domain, some are created by NIEHS contractors, and some are used by NIEHS with specific permission granted by the owner. Therefore photos and illustrations found on the NIEHS web site should not be reused without permission.

For information about the copyright holders of a given photo or illustration on the NIEHS web site, how the owners can be contacted, and what, if any, use those owners allow of their material, please provide the URL and file name to the webmaster identified as contact for the page on which the photo or illustration appears. If no contact is given, contact the NIEHS Kids Web (

Granting the right to use a graphic from the NIEHS web site does not explicitly or implicitly convey NIEHS's endorsement of the site where it is used. If an NIEHS image includes an identifiable person, using the image may infringe that person's right of privacy or publicity, and permission should be obtained from the person. Once you receive confirmation from us that a graphic is available for use, you may, at your discretion, credit NIEHS with a "Courtesy: National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences" notation.

Credits to Others
or Requests for Removal of Materials

If you deserve credit for anything on this site,
or if anything here should not be presented for any reason,
please let us know immediately and we'll take care of it!


If you send us personal information when requesting copies, information, or other assistance, you do not have to give us personal information. If you choose to provide us with additional information about yourself through an e-mail message, form, survey, etc., we will only maintain the information as long as needed to respond to your question or to fulfill the stated purpose of the communication. However, some communications may be maintained, as required by law, for historical purposes. If you intend to request mailed copies of any NIEHS materials, please first familiarize yourself with our Privacy Policies, which restricts our use of any information we receive from you.

Link Requests

The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) is a federal facility involved in environmental health research. Links to the NIEHS Kids' Pages are welcome, and specific approvals are not required for linking to NIEHS websites. See additional link and endorsement information on our disclaimers website.

Copies of NIEHS Materials

"NIEHS documents" are listed below.

NIEHS materials may be printed from the website or obtained in hardcopy form as described below. These documents are NOT copyrighted and MAY BE reproduced without permission for non-commercial purposes. However, we do ask that credit be given to the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, National Institutes of Health, HHS.

Please request copies of the following NIEHS publications from the:
NIEHS Office of Communications
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
PO Box 12233
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
(or e-mail the NIEHS Office of Communications ).

A limited number of other educational publications presented on this site are also available through the links provided for each listing. However, some materials are copyrighted and may not be reproduced.

Copies of Other Available Materials

Please visit the links provided below to obtain information about requesting copies or use of the following K-12 curricular-related documents:

Requests for Copyrighted Materials

NIEHS is a federal facility involved in environmental health research. We conserve our funds for our research, so we have assembled our children's website using materials and activities obtained from other online sources. Therefore, it is important to note that:

Commercial Resources Assistance

The NIEHS Kids' Pages was not created as a resource for answering questions about music, locating lyrics or midis, or serving as an authority of any kind on commercial music resources. We simply provide a children's sing-along site as part of our educational website initiatives. You might try a major search engine to locate such resources, using something like the following as keywords:

+order +music +"put song title here'"

However, you must use your own best judgment before placing orders online. NIEHS does NOT guarantee that the companies that you locate during an internet search will be safe, reputable, protect your privacy, or even provide the product that you are seeking.

colored line

Links Disclaimer and Caution

When you encounter this image link to a non-NIEHS site or the words "Non-NIEHS Link", it means that by following that link you will be leaving the NIEHS website. NIEHS is NOT responsible for non-NIEHS websites. Sites maintained by outside organizations may be changed without notice to NIEHS. Therefore, unless the link is to another U.S. government sponsored webpage, endorsement by NIEHS is not implied, and NIEHS does not guarantee their continuing safe content or privacy policies. So please ask your parent or guardian before continuing to any non-NIEHS website, and especially before providing any information via the internet or by e-mail. When last reviewed, the websites linked from the NIEHS Kids' Pages seemed suitable for you to visit, but that may have changed; if you have any difficulties or concerns with any linked materials, please let us know.

The NIEHS Kids' Pages are supported by the NIEHS Office of Communications and Public Liaison, (919) 541-3345, PO Box 12233, RTP, NC 27709, for the NIEHS Office of Communications, National Institute of
Environmental Health Sciences