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Audubon At Home

Reduce Pesticides

Increase Backyard Biodiversity

Rethink your lawn

Learn How to Garden for birds and other Wildlife


Over 12,000 pesticide products are currently registered for use in and around our homes. American households use an estimated 80 million pounds of pesticides and spend over nearly $2 billion annually for them. According to the U.S. Geological Survey’s 1999 report on the quality of our nation’s waters, “At least one pesticide was found in almost every water and fish sample collected from streams and in more than one-half of shallow wells sampled in agricultural and urban areas.”

Home, lawn, and garden pesticide use is rampant. We all need to be more conscious of what pesticides we use, why we use them, and whether they’re necessary.

Are YOU a responsible user? Practice 10 simple steps for safer, responsible, reduced pesticide use

Before you reach for that spray or dust … consider the ALTERNATIVES

We all want healthier backyards but may not always know how to go about doing that or how to get started. Download our popular Audubon Guide to a Healthy Yard to learn important first steps.
page 1: Audubon Guide for a Healthy Yard and Beyond
page 2: Audubon Guide for a Healthy Yard and Beyond

(You will need Adobe Acrobat 4.0 or higher to read this chart. This document may take several minutes to download.)

Valuable Resources You Should Know About:

  • EXTOXNET (Extension Toxicology Network) is a Pesticide Information Project of the Cooperative Extension Offices of Cornell University, Michigan State University, Oregon State University, and University of California at Davis. It offers a wealth of science-based information written for the non-expert on the toxicology and behavior of more than 100 commonly used pesticides. Their website:
  • The National Pesticide Information Center is a cooperative effort of Oregon State University and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. It is “a service that provides objective, science-based information about a wide variety of pesticide-related subjects” including toxicological effects, environmental fate, ecological effects, regulation, pesticide safety, and much more. They offer a staffed toll free number (1-800-858-7378) and an extensive website:
  • PAN (Pesticide Action Network) Pesticide Database "brings together a diverse array of information on pesticides from many different sources, providing human toxicity, ecotoxicity and regulatory information" for approximately 5,400 active ingredients, transformation products, solvents, and additives used in pesticide products. The searchable database is "integrated with the U.S. EPA product databases, which provide information on formulated products (the form of the pesticide that growers and consumers purchase for use) containing the active ingredients." The website:
  • Beyond Pesticides/National Coalition Against the Misuse of Pesticides provides information on the human health and environmental effects of commonly used pesticides and offers suggestions for alternatives to their use. They offer a variety of downloadable fact sheets accessible under their "Info Services" section on their website:

  • NCAP (Northwest Coalition for Alternatives to Pesticides) produces numerous science-based, extensively referenced publications to educate the public about pesticide hazards and alternatives. Over 150 detailed fact sheets, reports, and other educational materials are available free-of-charge on their website:


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