

Federal agency websites and information resources on transportation, including TRIS, an online searchable transportation database.

Government Agencies

Other Information Organizations

  • Critical Issues in Transportation, 2002
    Published by the Transportation Research Board (TRB), this article was reprinted from TR News 217, November/December 2001.
  • TRIS Online: Transportation Research Information Services
    Produced and maintained by the Transportation Research Board (TRB) at the National Academies of Sciences, "the TRIS Database is the world's largest and most comprehensive bibliographic resource on transportation information." Contains more than 400,000 records of published transportation research.

  • Journal of Transportation and Statistics
    The Journal of Transportation and Statistics (JTS) is a scholarly, peer-reviewed journal sponsored by the Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) of the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT). The journal serves the transportation community by increasing the understanding of the role of transportation in society, its function in the economy, and its interactions with the environment.

  • Transportation Environment Research Program
    The goal of the Transportation Environmental Research Program (TERP) is to fund research in transportation and environmental issues at universities and colleges. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) hopes that by committing to TERP, the research will provide insight on the difficult policy decisions that FHWA will undertake in the future.

Historic Transportation


NARA Resources
  • Aviation History
    The ALIC Reference at Your Desk page on military aviation history.

Other Resources
  • American Aviation: The Early Years
    From the magazine CRM published by the National Park Service, this issue concentrates on the early years of American aviation.

  • Black Wings: African American Pioneer Aviators
    Designed to complement an exhibit at the Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum, this site provides educators and researchers with resources that will enhance their study of American history and, in particular, the history of African American pioneer aviators.

  • College Park (Maryland) Aviation Museum
    Established in 1909 when Orville and Wilbur Wright set out to teach the first two Army officers to fly, it became the site of the first Army Aviation School in 1911. The Museum houses a collection of aircraft and artifacts documenting the many historical events for which the [College Park] airport is also known as the "Field of Firsts" and "Cradle of Aviation."

  • Library of Congress American Memory Collection: Wilbur and Orville Wright Papers
    This online presentation includes approximately 49,084 digital images documenting the lives of Wilbur and Orville Wright, highlighting their pioneering work in flight. The collection includes correspondence, diaries and notebooks, scrapbooks, drawings, printed matter, and glass-plate photographic negatives.

  • The Wright Brothers in Photographs
    This collection of digital images from Wright State University Libraries' Wright Brothers collection provides thorough coverage of the Wrights early inventive period documenting their expiramental gliders and flight testing in both North Carolina and Ohio.


NARA Resources
Other Resources
  • Historic Railroads: A Living Legacy. CRM, Volume 22, Number 10, 1999.
    From the magazine CRM published by the National Park Service, this issue focuses on historic railroads and their enormous contribution to American history. "As this special issue demonstrates, railroads are a thread woven throughout the fabric of American life, and their legacy - be it trains which are still operated, long-abandoned tracks, archaeological remains, works of art and architecture, or simply the stories of those who remember the ways they changed their lives - lives on all around us."

  • Library of Congress American Memory Collection: Travels in America 1750-1920
    This site comprises 253 published narratives by Americans and foreign visitors recounting their travels in the colonies and the United States and their observations and opinions about American peoples, places, and society from about 1750 to 1920. The narratives range from the unjustly neglected to the justly famous, and from classics of the genre to undiscovered gems.

  • Manuscript Sources for Railroad History
    This site, maintained by Virginia Tech University libraries, is based on the records of the Norfolk and Western Railway, the Southern Railway, and the predecessors of these lines.

  • Railroads & the American West. Journal of the West, Volume 39, Number 2, Spring 2000.
    (Available in the library.) This issue also focuses on historic railroads and their impact on the American West. Articles include "The influence of railroads in the American West", "Financing the western railroads", "Pioneer rails across the Pacific Northwest", and more.

  • Railroad History Collections
    This University of Connecticut site features the largest single compilation of the New York, New Haven, and Hartford records, as well as several related collections.

  • Railroad Surveys
    This website looks at the explorers and explorations that made possible the completion of the nation's transcontinental railroad in 1869.
  • The Website for the railway industry
    This is a professional information site, including up-to-the-minute technology updates, an A-Z of railway terms, conferences and informations, and present-day projects involving rail.

Water transportation:

NARA Resources
Other Resources
  • Panama Canal Treaty of 1977
    Information on the 1977 Panama Canal treaties and the 1999 transfer of the canal from American to Panamanian control.

  • Erie Canal
    The Erie Canal was the most famous and successful of America's early towpath canals. The Erie Canal crossed the Appalachian Mountains and linked Lake Erie with the Hudson River, as well as being a part of the canal system which bound together the Hudson River with Lake Champlain and the Canadian canals that flowed to the St. Lawrence River.

  • Great Lakes Vessel Enrollments Data Base
    Sponsored by the Wisconsin Marine Historical Society, this site lists vessel enrollments from 1815 to 1915.

  • Guide to Canal Records in the New York State Archives
    Subject guide for the records of the New York Canal System.

  • History of the Barge Canal of New York State
    Supplement to the Annual Report of the State Engineer and Surveyor for the Year Ended June 30 1921. Transcribed from the original text and html prepared by Bill Carr.

  • Index to Ships Mentioned in Maritime History Books
    This page has collected references to the names of ships from indexes of various books, including the page numbers on which the ship is mentioned, full bibliographic information on the book, and a short-title description of the book.

  • National Canal Museum
    The National Canal Museum commemorates the canals which contributed to the American Industrial Revolution. Of special interest at this site are the Canals and Canal Links which link to most of the historic canals in the United States, and some in the UK.

  • The Website for the ship-building industry
    Another professional information site, with mirror information regarding ships, ship-building, equipment catalogue, international projects, etc.

The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
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