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NORA logophotos of workers
Research partnerships for safer, healthier workplaces.

The Sector-based Approach

NIOSH and its partners have formed eight NORA Sector Councils, including participants from academia, industry, labor, and government. Each Council will draft goals, performance measures, and implementation plans for the nation. These agendas will provide guidance to the entire occupational safety and health community for moving research to practice in workplaces. In addition, a Cross-sector Research Council will be formed to identify opportunities for common research across sectors.

What are the sectors?

Sector definitions follow the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), which has replaced the U.S. Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) system. More information about NAICS can be found on the U.S. Census Bureau North American Industry Classification System page. NAICS provides definitions for 20 sectors which NIOSH aggregated into eight sector groups as follows:

NORA Sector Group NAICS Code
Agriculture, Forestry & Fishing 11
Construction 23
Healthcare & Social Assistance 62
Manufacturing 31-33
Mining 21
Services 51-56, 61, 71-72, 81 & 92
Transportation, Warehousing & Utilities 48-49 & 22
Wholesale and Retail Trade 42 & 44-45

More information about the sectors can be accessed through the NIOSH Program Portfolio page.

What is NIOSH's role?

NIOSH is the steward of NORA and facilitates the work of the Research Councils, which will develop and implement research agendas for the occupational safety and health community.

Page last updated:January 25, 2008