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March 5, 1998

NGI-related questions, contact:
Jeff Smith, White House OSTP
(202) 456-6108

Sally Howe, NCO
(703) 306-4722

Highway 1-related questions, contact:
Erin Osborne, Highway 1
(202) 628-3900


NCO 98-1


Media Advisory

Clinton Administration's Next Generation Internet
Initiative to Demonstrate Power and Potential of 21st Century Internet

The Internet of the 21st Century has the potential to be even more ubiquitous, safe, reliable and intelligent than today's Internet. It will operate at speeds a thousand times faster and support advanced applications to help us preserve our environment, improve our productivity, and have access to first rate medical care. The power and potential of the Internetof the future will be previewed at NETAMORPHOSIS, a demonstration of advanced networking technologies and applications enhanced by the Clinton Administration's Next Generation Internet (NGI) Initiative and related Federal Computing, Information, and Communications (CIC) R&D programs.


What: A demonstration of advanced networking technologies and promising new medical, environmental, national defense, and manufacturing applications enhanced by the NGI initiative and related Federal CIC R&D programs, including:
  • Advanced battle simulation (DARPA)
  • Studying state-of-the-art materials (DoE/NIST)
  • Visualizing Earth data at your Desktop (NASA/NOAA)
  • Real-time functional MRI: Watching the brain in action (NIH)
  • Octahedral hexapod: an Information Age machine tool (NIST)
  • Precision storm forecasting (NSF/NOAA)

Plus 12 other state-of-the-art applications demonstrations!

  • The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy
  • The White House National Economic Council
  • Highway 1
  • National Coordination Office for Computing, Information, and Communications
  • Federal CIC R&D Subcommittee's Large Scale Networking Working Group

Federal agencies including:

  • DoE
  • NASA
  • NIH
  • NIST
  • NOAA
  • NSF

Other partners including:

  • Bell Atlantic
  • Cisco
  • HPCC Consortium
  • IBM
  • Internet2/University Corporation for Advanced Internet Development
  • MCI
When: Wednesday, March 11, 6:00 p.m.- 8:00 p.m. -- VIP reception

Thursday, March 12, 9:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. (10:00 - 11:00 a.m.- Press tour)

Friday, March 13, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Where: Highway 1, 601 Pennsylvania Ave., NW (Entrance on Indiana Ave.)
North Building, Suite 520, Washington, DC 20004-2601