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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Slide Presentation of the 2007 Annual Meeting of AHRQ

Flowchart—Effective Health Care Program

Text Description is below the image.

Flowchart showing the process for an "Effective Health Care Program."

The Effective Health Care Program was created in response to the Medicare Modernization Act. The Program's Scientific Resource Center acts via public input (represented by a computer icon) and stakeholders (represented by an icon of three people) to produce Evidence Generation, Evidence Synthesis, and Evidence Translation.

Beneath Evidence Generation is a text box that reads "DEcIDE Network: Developing Evidence to Inform Decisions about Effectiveness."

Beneath Evidence Synthesis is a text box that reads "EPCs: Evidence-based Practice Centers."

Beneath Evidence Translation is a text box that reads "Eisenberg Center: Clinical Decisions and Communication Science."

To the left-hand side of the slide is another text box slightly overlapping the DEcIDE Network and Eisenberg Center boxes; this box reads, "CERTs: Centers for Education & Research on Therapeutics." CERTs was created in response to the FDA Modernization Act.

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AHRQ Advancing Excellence in Health Care