Glacier National Park from Apgar Lookout
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Research Needs in Glacier

We strongly encourage scientific research about natural resource, cultural resource, and social science issues in Glacier National Park. The following is an extensive list of current, high priority research needs in Glacier National Park. The list was created by park staff. We have listed those needs that we know are critical for management of the park. You may use this list to guide you in developing a research project that will fulfill your interests and our information needs.

We have grouped potential research projects into 8 categories. Some of the research topics are broad and some are specific. Some of the broad categories may have been partially studied. Each need is listed only once. Because some needs are interdisciplinary, we suggest scanning topic areas in addition to your primary interest. (For example, wildlife studies are found in the “animals” and “social sciences” sections.)

If you are interested in pursuing one of these topics or you have an additional research project that would be valuable to the park, by all means, get in touch with park staff. You can discuss the potential research project (including whether the project is being studied or not), the permitting process, timelines, funding opportunities, and investigator responsibilities. Park staff members are familiar with past research projects and can help point investigators to published and unpublished literature and potentially complementary data sets.

This list of research needs will be added to and developed more fully with time. Feel free to check back periodically. We expect to add information on resources available and references of interest in the future.

Natural Features
Glacial geology

Native plants
Exotic weeds
Plant communities

Environmental Factors
Air quality
Climate change
Water quality

Aquatic ecology
Ecosystem modeling
Landscape ecology
Natural disturbances
Other human-induced disturbances

History and Culture
Historical studies
Cultural studies
Architectural research
Library and curatorial collections

Social Sciences
Impacts of visitors on park resources
Visitor perceptions, expectations, knowledge and behavior

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