Title 42--Public Health



TEXT PDF440.1 Basis and purpose.
TEXT PDF440.2 Specific definitions; definitions of services for FFP purposes.
TEXT PDF440.10 Inpatient hospital services, other than services in an institution for mental diseases.
TEXT PDF440.20 Outpatient hospital services and rural health clinic services.
TEXT PDF440.30 Other laboratory and X-ray services.
TEXT PDF440.40 Nursing facility services for individuals age 21 or older (other than services in an institution for mental disease), EPSDT, and family planning services and supplies.
TEXT PDF440.50 Physicians' services and medical and surgical services of a dentist.
TEXT PDF440.60 Medical or other remedial care provided by licensed practitioners.
TEXT PDF440.70 Home health services.
TEXT PDF440.80 Private duty nursing services.
TEXT PDF440.90 Clinic services.
TEXT PDF440.100 Dental services.
TEXT PDF440.110 Physical therapy, occupational therapy, and services for individuals with speech, hearing, and language disorders.
TEXT PDF440.120 Prescribed drugs, dentures, prosthetic devices, and eyeglasses.
TEXT PDF440.130 Diagnostic, screening, preventive, and rehabilitative services.
TEXT PDF440.140 Inpatient hospital services, nursing facility services, and intermediate care facility services for individuals age 65 or older in institutions for mental diseases.
TEXT PDF440.150 Intermediate care facility (ICF/MR) services.
TEXT PDF440.155 Nursing facility services, other than in institutions for mental diseases.
TEXT PDF440.160 Inpatient psychiatric services for individuals under age 21.
TEXT PDF440.165 Nurse-midwife service.
TEXT PDF440.166 Nurse practitioner services.
TEXT PDF440.167 Personal care services.
TEXT PDF440.168 Primary care case management services.
TEXT PDF440.170 Any other medical care or remedial care recognized under State law and specified by the Secretary.
TEXT PDF440.180 Home or community-based services.
TEXT PDF440.181 Home and community-based services for individuals age 65 or older.
TEXT PDF440.185 Respiratory care for ventilator-dependent individuals.
TEXT PDF440.200 Basis, purpose, and scope.
TEXT PDF440.210 Required services for the categorically needy.
TEXT PDF440.220 Required services for the medically needy.
TEXT PDF440.225 Optional services.
TEXT PDF440.230 Sufficiency of amount, duration, and scope.
TEXT PDF440.240 Comparability of services for groups.
TEXT PDF440.250 Limits on comparability of services.
TEXT PDF440.255 Limited services available to certain aliens.
TEXT PDF440.260 Methods and standards to assure quality of services.
TEXT PDF440.270 Religious objections.
