Midwest Region

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Our mission is to conserve, protect, and restore the nation's aquatic resource populations for the continuing benefit of people. This includes recovering Threatened and Endangered aquatic species (fish and freshwater mussels), restoring fish populations that are in decline (lake sturgeon, lake trout, coaster brook trout), and enhancing recreational fishing opportunities through fish stocking on Service lands (walleye, bluegill, and northern pike).

It also includes assisting mid-western Native American tribes with ongoing fisheries management programs as part of our tribal trust responsibilities, and cooperatively assisting states with ongoing management plans by supplying fish and fish eggs. States then help us fulfill our mission by providing access/assistance in fishery restoration and recovery work. Each year, Genoa provides millions of eggs, fry, and fingerlings of many different sport fish species to our partners.

The station also helps maintain a federal leadership role in the promotion of sound fisheries science by assisting the This link opens in a new windowUpper Mississippi Environmental Sciences Center through the collection of various fish species found during our spring river broodstock collections.

Genoa National Fish Hatchery is cooperating with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's Iron River National Fish Hatchery, the Ashland Fishery Resource Office, and the states of Wisconsin and Michigan to restore the coaster brook trout to its native range on the southern shore of Lake Superior.

Coaster Brook Trout
Lake Sturgeon
Endangered Mussel Recovery
Great Lakes Fish Restoration
Sport Fish Restoration

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Last updated: January 28, 2008
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