Genoa National Fish Hatchery
Midwest Region

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Map showing location of Genoa, Wisconsin.

Genoa is located in western Wisconsin on the Mississippi River, very close to the borders with Minnesota and Iowa.

Don't get us confused with Genoa City, Wisconsin – it is located in the southeastern corner of the state.

For a detailed map, check the Driving Directions page.

Southwestern Wisconsin has four distinct seasons with warm summers and long winters.

  • January's average temperature is about 24 degrees F.

  • The average July temperature is 84 degrees F.

  • The area's average yearly precipitation is 31 inches.

  • The average annual snowfall in the Southwest Region is 43 inches.

Coaster Brook Trout
Lake Sturgeon
Endangered Mussel Recovery
Great Lakes Fish Restoration
Sport Fish Restoration

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Last updated: February 8, 2008
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