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Safeguards and Security Division (SC-31.3)

Integrated Safeguards & Security Management

Work securely model
If you would like more information concerning the Integrated Safeguards and Security Management, please visit DOE's Official ISSM Website.

Time for Change

  • The need for safeguards and security management changes has been well documented.
  • - Internal Report to the Secretary, Special Security Review, dated December 1998, issued by Roger L. Hagengruber
  • - Science at its Best
  • - Security at its Worst, A Report of Security Problems at the U.S. Department of Energy, dated June 1999, "Rudman Report."

Viable Alternative

  • Elevate safeguards and security to the same level of concern and commitment as safety.
  • Ensure that "line management" is responsible and accountable for security implementation.
  • Integrated Safeguards and Security Management System (Modeled after the Integrated Safety Management System)

Integrated Safeguards and Security Management System (ISSMS)

The ISSMS established a hierarchy of six components:
  • Objective
  • Guiding Principles
  • Core Functions
  • Mechanisms
  • Responsibilities
  • Implementation

ISSM Objective

The Department and Contractors must systematically integrate safeguards and security into the management and work practices at all levels so that missions are accomplished while protecting the public, worker, and the environment.

*This is to be accomplished through effective integration of safeguards and security management into all facets of work planning and execution.

Guiding Principles

Fundamental policies that guide Department and Contractor actions.

- Line Management Responsibility for Safeguards and Security
- Clear roles and responsibility
- Competence Commensurate with Responsibility
- Balanced Priorities
- Identification of Standards and Requirements
- Controls Tailored to work Being Performed
- Operations Authorized

*Worker Involvement

Core Functions

These five core safeguards and security management functions provide the necessary structure for any work activity that could potentially affect the Department's safeguards and security objectives, the public, the workers, and the environment.

- Define the Scope of Work
- Analyze the Risk
- Develop and Implement Risk Controls
- Perform Work within Controls
- Provide Feedback and Continuous Improvement


Safeguards and Security Mechanisms define how core safeguards and security management functions are performed. The mechanisms may vary from facility to facility and from activity to activity based on the risk and the work being performed and may include:

  • Department expectations expressed through directives (policy, rules, orders, notices, standards, and guidance) and contract clauses.
  • Directives on identifying and analyzing risks and performing risk analyses.
  • Directives which establish processes to be used in setting safeguards and security standards.
  • Contractor policies, procedures and documents (Site Safeguards and Security Plans and Facility Plans) established to implement safeguards and security management and fulfill commitments made to the Department.


Responsibilities must be clearly defined in documents appropriate to the activity. DOE responsibilities are defined in Department directives. Contractor responsibilities are detailed in contracts, regulations, and contractor-specific procedures. Review and approval levels may vary, commensurate with the type of work and risk involved.



  • Specific instances of work definition and planning
  • Risk identification and analysis
  • Definition and implementation of risk controls
  • Performance
  • Developing and implementing operating procedures
  • Monitoring and assessing performance for improvement

Work securely model