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Accident Search Results Page
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Description, Abstract, KeywordSICDate RangeOfficeInsp Nr
Keyword: "Fatigue"AllAllAllAll

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Results 1 - 20 of 30
By Date
    Summary Nr Event Date Report ID Fat SIC Event Description
1 201503331 10/27/2002 0950614   8062 Employee Injured While Operating A Hospital Lift
2 202074761 08/09/2001 0453730 X 2211 Employee Dies From Cardiovascular Disease
3 201142031 03/22/2001 0950631   7996 Employee Injured When Struck By Moving Hand Truck
4 170080345 12/26/1997 0625700 X 2061 Employee Killed When Struck By Loader Grapple Attachment
5 170100820 07/22/1997 1055320 X 5039 Employee Killed In Truck Accident
6 171043466 05/12/1997 1055350 X 0782 Employee Dies After Working In Hot Weather
7 170888515 08/21/1996 0950615   1795 Employee Injured When Struck By Car On Highway
8 170081616 02/12/1996 0625700 X 4213 Employee Killed When Pinned Between Truck Trailer And Dock
9 170378467 01/04/1996 0950613   8741 Employee'S Leg Fractured When Struck By Falling Wall
10 000784686 07/25/1995 0452110 X 1622 Employee Killed When Run Over By Dump Truck
11 000694877 10/12/1994 0355115 X 1711 Employee Dies After Falling From Pickup Truck
12 170605224 05/11/1993 0950633   3272 Falling Concrete Panel Hits Employee On Foot
13 000960112 12/28/1992 0950621   9631 Lineman Suffers Stress Heart Attack
14 170694780 08/16/1992 0950625   3081 Employee'S Arm Crushed In Scrap Feed Rollers
15 170724025 04/13/1992 0950623   2434 Employee'S Thumb Amputated By Blade On Table Saw
16 000956169 01/23/1992 0950634   1711 Employee Suffers Contusion In Fall From Stepladder
17 170168728 11/25/1991 0950623   7999 Employee Becomes Ill From Exposure To Paint Fumes
18 170243174 10/01/1991 1055340 X 1611,1629 Employee Struck And Killed By Truck On Highway
19 000786046 07/01/1991 1054111   2621 Employee Injured When Caught In Slitter Of Cello Machine
20 000693408 06/30/1991 0355122 X 4212 Employee Succumbs To Heat Exhaustion

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