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SIC Description for 8211
Description for 8211: Elementary and Secondary Schools

Division I: Services
Major Group 82: Educational Services

Industry Group 821: Elementary And Secondary Schools

8211 Elementary and Secondary Schools

Elementary and secondary schools furnishing academic courses, ordinarily for kindergarten through grade 12. Included in this industry are parochial schools and military academies furnishing academic courses for kindergarten through grade 12, and secondary schools which furnish both academic and technical courses.
  • Academies, elementary and secondary schools
  • Boarding schools
  • Finishing schools, secondary
  • High schools
  • Kindergartens
  • Military academies elementary and secondary level
  • Parochial schools, elementary and secondary
  • Preparatory schools
  • Schools for the physically handicapped, elementary and secondary
  • Schools for the retarded
  • Schools, elementary and secondary
  • Seminaries, below university grade
  • Vocational high schools

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