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Patient Care

Prevention & Wellness Results: 1-10 of 10 Web Pages

Free Healthcare Guide  External Link

This site maintained by Men's Health Network, provides access to different resources including Prescription Assistance links, Clinical Trials and more.... Details >

Men's Health Network  External Link  External Link

This site provides information, which benefits both patients and their families, offers reliable information, helps patients make medical decisions and choose treatments. Palliative care specializes i... Details >

The Center to Advance Palliative Care  External Link

Guide to Health Care Quality: How to Know It When You See It

This guide is designed to help you get quality health care, stay healthy, and recover faster when you become sick. Tips are provided to help you be active in making decisions about your health care. ... Details >

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Hospice Fact Sheet  External Link

This fact sheet provides a general overview about hospice and hospice services for the consumer. The document describes hospices and hospice care and answers your questions about the advantages of hos... Details >

Hospice Association of America  External Link

Infection Control in Healthcare Settings

Nosocomial infections affect approximately 2 million patients annually in acute care facilities in the United States at a direct annual patient care cost of approximately $3.5 billion. The Hospital In... Details >

National Center for Infectious Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

National Patient Advocate Foundation Home Page  External Link

This page welcomes to the National Patient Advocate Foundation, a policy organization committed to national and state initiatives that will enhance and ensure patients' access to care and reimbursemen... Details >

National Patient Advocate Foundation  External Link

National Patient Advocate Foundation Position Statements  External Link

The National Patient Advocate Foundation (NPAF) takes formal and public positions on legislative issues that are consistent with its mission of seeking to create avenues of access to healthcare for th... Details >

National Patient Advocate Foundation  External Link

Patient and Family Resource Centers   External Link

Patient and family resource centers can be a visible, tangible expression of a hospital or agency’s commitment to family-centered practice. Find out more about this topic.... Details >

Institute for Family-Centered Care  External Link

Patient Involvement in FDA Programs

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) offers opportunities for patients to participate in FDA's decision making and participate in its Advisory Committee meetings to discuss medical products for the ... Details >

Office of Special Health Issues, U.S. Food and Drug Administration

Quality and Patient Safety  External Link

Health insurance plans are advancing and supporting strategies that promote a safe, effective, patient-centered, timely, efficient, and equitable health care system. These initiatives focus on impleme... Details >

America’s Health Insurance Plans  External Link