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Gettysburg National Military Park
Things To Do
Ranger program in the National Cemetery.
(Katie Lawhon, National Park Service)
Ranger guided programs are offered seasonally at Gettysburg.

Once you have begun your visit to Gettysburg National Military Park at the National Park Service Museum and Visitor Center, we suggest you consider visiting the battlefield and touring the various significant sites of this dramatic event. Of course there are many other things to see and do including free ranger-guided programs, evening campfire programs, activities for kids, and specialized battle walks during the summer months. Check our schedule of Summer Ranger Programs for titles, descriptions and program times. Ranger guided programs will also run in the fall and spring, mostly limited to weekends.

Volunteer living history organizations offer programs in the park on weekends from spring to fall. A full schedule of living history weekends as well as other special events is posted on our Park Events page.

Special observances are held on Memorial Day and to commemorate the dedication of the Soldiers' National Cemetery on November 19. There are other special events that occur throughout the year and are listed on our Park Events page.

Gettysburg Auto Tour sign
Auto Tour Sign


Depending on personal choice, there are several ways to tour the battlefield including a self-guided auto tour, with a Licensed Battlefield Guide (fee), and tape tours.

The self-guided auto tour can be followed by using a park brochure that will direct you through the park. There are numbered stops at highpoints of the battlefield along the tour route and visitors can take their time stopping to view the monuments and field exhibits. Directional tour signs will take you through the park to visit the important highlights of the three day battle.

A Licensed Battlefield Guided tour
A licensed guide tour.

For visitors wishing a personalized tour, the Licensed Battlefield Guide service will provide you with a guide who will drive your personal vehicle around the park. Tours are two hours in length and very informative. Guides are assigned to personal vehicles from the Visitor Center desk on a first come, first served basis beginning at 8:00 AM each day. Guides may be reserved in advance for organized bus groups by calling toll free 1-877-874-2478 or fax 1-717-338-1244. A guide may also be reserved for individuals in cars.

Licensed Battlefield Guide Fees:
1-6 people= $55.00
7-15 people= $70.00
16-49 people= $105.00
50+ people= $140.00.

For visitors who prefer not to take their personal vehicle through the park, there is a battlefield bus tour with a guide on board available from March through September. These tours begin and end at the National Park Service Visitor Center:

Guided Bus Schedule:
March 25 to April 6- twice daily at 11:00 and 1:30.
April 7 to June 8- three times daily at 9:30, 12:00 and 2:30.
June 9 to August 26- six times daily at 9:30, 11:00, 12:00, 1:30, 2:30, and 4:00.
August 27 to October- three times daily at 9:30, 12:00, and 2:30.

Bus Tour Fee:
Adult (age 13+)= $25.95
Youth (ages 6-12)= $15.50
Child (ages 0-5)= free

Be sure to check at the information desk for schedule updates and changes. 

Touring the park.

Audio tape tours are available for purchase in the park book stores in tape or CD format. Narrated by authorities on the Battle of Gettysburg, these tours will provide the listener with detailed descriptions of significant areas of the battlefield park and bring to life the soldiers who fought this great battle. For further information on taped battlefield tours, call the park bookstore at (717) 334-2288.

Hikes and Bikes
For visitors who wish to hike the battlefield or bicycle during their visit, there are designated trails and pathways near the Museum and Visitor Center and elsewhere in the park. Look for designated trails on the park brochure or inquire at the park information desk during your visit. (Be aware that bicycles are not allowed on earthen trails or walkways and must remained on paved surfaces.)

For Scout Groups, there is the "Boy Scouts of America Gettysburg Heritage Trail Guide", which gives scouts a challenging course through the park. The guide is available at the park bookstore.


Things To Do in Gettysburg
The borough of Gettysburg has numerous commercial museums, gift shops, tour companies and businesses that offer services and evening activities. Call the Gettysburg Convention and Visitors Bureau's community desk phone at (717) 334-9410, the information center phone at (717) 334-6274, or toll free at 1-800-337-5015 for information and to request brochures, or visit the Gettysburg Convention and Visitors Bureau web site.




The Gettysburg National Park Visitor Center
Where do I begin?
Begin your visit at the park Museum and Visitor Center.
Ranger program at Gettysburg
Battle Walk Programs
The daily ranger-guided Battle Walk schedule, September and October 2008 (pdf)
Park brochure
Park Brochure
Official Map and Guide for Gettysburg National Military Park
Statue of Lee on the Virginia Monument at Gettysburg NMP  

Did You Know?
The statue of General Robert E. Lee atop the Virginia Monument at Gettysburg National Military Park was sculpted by F. William Sievers. A similar equestrian statue to Lee is located on Monument Avenue in Richmond, Virginia.

Last Updated: August 06, 2008 at 10:55 EST