Genetic Evaluations of Dairy Animals Available from AIPL
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October 28, 2008

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Genetic Evaluations Available from AIPL

Internet Animal Queries || Summary Data Tables and Lists || Goat Data Tables and Lists || Evaluation Files || Interim Summary Files

For detailed information about evaluations including schedules, data exchange formats, and explanation of evaluation calculations, please refer to the Documentations page.

Evaluations Available on the AIPL Internet Site

Evaluation Summaries, Tables, and Lists

Available prior to release day:

Available at noon on release day:

Available at 1pm Eastern time on the Thursday following release day:

  • Inbreeding Information by breed including:
    • Inbreeding coefficients and trends
    • Bulls most related to breed
    • Bulls least related to breed (Outcrosses)

Goat Data Tables and Lists

Goat yield evaluations are updated in July. Type evaluations are updated in January.

Evaluation Files

Bulls · Cows · Herd Info · Goats

Bull and cow evaluation files are available for download at 1 p.m. on the Monday before release, password protected.

The password for unencrypting the files is available at 7 a.m. on the day of release. See the evaluation schedule for the complete listing of evaluation availability times. A Complete description of evaluation distribution is also available.

A mirror site with copies of the evaluation files is available from Dairy Records Management Systems-Raleigh (

Official Bull Evaluation Files (
File Format 38

File Name1 No. of records File Size
Date Bulls Included* 274,279 35,270,121 Aug 29 2008 All domestic and foreign bulls
with official evaluations 54,437 6,716,369 Aug 29 2008 All bulls except
Holsteins and Red & White 175,960 25,655,072 Aug 29 2008 Bulls with US daughters
or enrolled with NAAB 66,132 9,990,913 Aug 29 2008 All bulls enrolled with NAAB 3,192 517,769 Aug 29 2008 Bulls enrolled with NAAB,
likely to have semen available
*The status codes (Explanation of status codes) of all bulls that had active (A) status after the preceding evaluation are set to inactive (I) because AI status is updated by NAAB after evaluations are released.

The status updates are provided in a separate file (Status of AI bulls) by the Thurday following each evaluation release. This text file includes the ID and status code of all bulls with status of active (A); foreign-sampled, semen available (F); or limited use (L).

Non-Official Bull Evaluation Files2 (
File Format 38

File Name1 No. of Records File Size   (bytes)   Date Evaluations Included* 8,978 1,195,218 Aug 29 2008 US-only evaluations for bulls
with official Interbull evaluations 24,614 3,995,449 Aug 29 2008 Interbull evaluations for bulls
with official US-only evaluations
*The status codes (Explanation of status codes) of all bulls that had active (A) status after the preceding evaluation are set to inactive (I) because AI status is updated by NAAB after evaluations are released.

The status updates are provided in a separate file (Status of AI bulls) by the Thurday following each evaluation release. This text file includes the ID and status code of all bulls with status of active (A); foreign-sampled, semen available (F); or limited use (L).

Interim Summary Files (
File Format 38

File Name1 No. of Records File Size   (bytes)   Date Summaries Included* 1,147 70,536 May 20 2008 Interim Summaries for progeny test bulls
38i.B07.xml 1,147 1,141,846 Nov 21 2007 Interim Summaries for progeny test bulls
38i.B07.xls 1,147 539,136 Nov 21 2007 Interim Summaries for progeny test bulls
(spreadsheet .xls)
*Based on first lactation records of cows in herds with progeny test daughters in the latest 18 month period.

Official Cow Evaluation Files (
File Format 105
File Name1 No. of Records File Size   (bytes)   Date Evaluations Included 17,530 2,081,274 Aug 15 2008 Evaluations for Elite cows and high-ranking grades based on Net Merit (NM$) percentile  94,499 11,215,188 Aug 15 2008 Evaluations for the top 5% of cows based on NM$ (registered and grade)

Herd-Owner Name and Addresses (
File Format 2
File Name1 No. of Records File Size   (bytes)   Date Herds Included 3,994 133,490 Aug 15 2008 Herds with Elite cows and high-ranking grades based on Net Merit (NM$) percentile
 2nhi5.zip3  9,464 297,843 Aug 15 2008 Herds for the top 5% of cows based on NM$ (registered and grade)

Goat yield evaluations are updated in July. Type evaluations are updated in January.
Sign up to receive e-mail notification of file updates
Goat Evaluation Files (
File Name1 File Format File Size   (bytes)   Date Description of File Format 38 1,272,058 Jul 30 2008 All buck yield evaluations. Format 105 18,666,346 Jul 30 2008 All doe yield evaluations.
topbuck   23,167 Jul 27 2008 Top 15% of bucks (for yield) with recent daughters.
topdoe   86,354 Jul 27 2008 Top 5% of does (for yield) with recent kiddings. Format 105 924,649 Jul 30 2008 Doe evalautions for all does with recent kiddings.
buckname   139,788 Jul 27 2008 Yield evaluations for bucks with recent daughters. Format 940 983,189 Nov 5 2007 All buck type evaluations. Format 941 1,777,798 Nov 5 2007 All doe type evaluations.

1Compressed (zipped) files have .zip extension. Uncompressed files have the extension .myy where m is the month (Nov=B) and yy the year of the evaluation (e.g. B02 indicates November, 2002).

2For bulls with both a US-only and an Interbull evaluation available, the Interbull evaluation is official if it includes data from an additional country or if Interbull excludes US data but has higher reliability than the US-only evaluation.

3Password administered by National Dairy Herd Improvement Association.

Last Modified: 08/19/2008