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Potato Virus Y (PVY)
Plant hosts
  • Major hosts: Capsicum (peppers), Capsicum annuum (bell pepper), Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato), Nicotiana, Nicotiana tabacum (tobacco), Solanum tuberosum (potato)
  • Wild hosts: Solanum (nightshade), Solanum nigrum (black nightshade)

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Image provided by R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company Slides, U.S.

The virus is transmitted by affected tubers and from plant to plant contact.  The virus can also be dispersed by aphids feeding on infected plants.  PVY does not appear to be transmitted through the seed. 

Generally, the foliage of plants infected with PVY show mild roughness, faint mottling, and slight distortion. Severe symptoms consist of dark brown, dead areas in stems of nearly mature leaflets. The terminal leaflets may show severe necrosis, and all leaflets are affected. Infected leaflets may eventually roll downward with curved petioles, giving the plant a drooping appearance. The virus causes severe malformation of the upper leaves, defoliation, and early plant death. There are no symptoms on the fruit.

Geographic distribution
PVY is distributed worldwide. 

  • brinjal mosaic virus
  • datura 437 virus
  • potato acropetal necrosis virus
  • potato severe mosaic virus
  • tobacco veinbanding virus

Cultural control
  • use of disease-free seed tubers
  • burn infested plants
  • sanitize seed cutting equipment between lots
  • control of aphids
  • weekly high-pressure spraying of oils
  • eliminate weeds, especially Solanum atropurpureum, S. nigrum, and Physalis species as they can serve as an oversummering virus reservoir

Virus testing
Potato growers are encouraged to submit samples from plants suspected of harboring PVY. Samples should be submitted to the Oregon Department of Agriculture, Commodity Inspection Division, Plant Health Program. Lab fees are charged to the grower. The sample collection and testing will need to be completed at the appropriate time of year, and in the right manner. To obtain further details on sample collection or the virus certifiaction program, please contact Dr. Mohamed ("Sid") Sedegui.
Return to plant pathogen list.

Page updated: December 19, 2007

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